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Gem Leveling while maping

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1st - Press Shift when LVLing (Clicking on (+))

2nd - Add option - LvLing while map (every XX sec two clicks at (+) 1st and 2nd gems WITH Shift)

There are many cases when the Top Gems is Grey -Character is runout Stats to lvl it up \\ Higher gem isnt ready to LvLup  - Second click at (+) in lower row will *fix* it 




atm ALL bots do exactly the same after Login onto map - LvLing 0-4 Gems - i think this activity is flaging our bots 

Edited by metaxer

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Not sure if it's really needed because it would only take 20 runs to hit the maximum for a gem if it levelled up with each bot run. But realistically it takes hundreds of runs to get a gem to level 20. If you get the bot to pause to check if a gem has levelled up then it would likely take time out of the running of the map.

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