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Bot to enter Corrupted Area (PRIORITY)

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sorry, i dissagree, that this has to be priority, 
having the bot switching zones (not just corrupted areas) would realy rock, but ther are other issues and enhancements (like Mob ktarget/kill priority) that would help more (less chickens/deaths). just my opinion tho.

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It is extremely far from being the priority.

People are getting banned on a daily basis.


Priority is a better IA to avoid bans and maps because all top players do maps and not regular zones..

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Not a priority IMO. Better to focus in map farming. Improve how the bot handle the loot with a lot of quantity too, wasting a lot of time goin up and down for every single item.

Edited by rodin

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Timtoh, pissing me off asking me day and night the same thing will never work.

I already have my plans and stuff to do, I'm aware that Corrupt area exists so just be patient..

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I'm aware that Corrupt area exists


You've heard of them or did you actually play? Just seems all you do is coding all day long and not have the time to actually play sometimes :) thx for the hard work.

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