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Channeling Skills

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Hi my membership just expired, I want to renew it. But I am building a flameblast character, and the bot doesnt seem to be able to use it, it just cast it all day until I die. So I think it wud be great if there is an option for channelin skills like cast the skill for "x" seconds then stop, it would be great! thankyou

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Could this be fixed by the bot just holding the mouse button rather than clicking over and over? If so that's yet another reason for skills to be held down rather than clicked repetitively.

Edited by milb1989

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You can find something in the combat options:


"Maintain pressed key/mouse"


That should help with channeling.


Pls come back with info about channeling setup.

I guess, you can achieve something with cooldown and different durations. and different keys.

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I'd like this to be looked at specifically with how it uses Blade Flurry. Currently it hits the button so fast that it does zero dmg between clicks. So I have to swap gear and use something else to grind maps/zones with. 

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I actually have the same problem, with the "maintain pressed key enabled" checked as well. Saved, updated restarted but yet does no damage. Just like Methal over there

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Maintained pressed key works for blade flurry it just does not release at 6 stacks which is where 90% of the blade flurry damage comes from. I understand that the bot currently has a maintain pressed key funxtion bit if we could customize within a rangel in milliseconds to release key press it would add a lot more damage to blade flurry. And the reason I am saying range and not a flat value is that we don't want 90000 people all the sudden holding blade flurry for the same exact amount of time as well as 1 person always holding down blade flurry for an exact time.

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