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zeMagics introduction!

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Better late than never i guess..


Howdy, i'm zeMagic, or (ze)

Programmer at heart, mostly web front-/backends (can do c#, c++ whatevs too).

Usually game when i'm too stressed out over bugs and editing peoples faulty coding, aka. i game a lot.


Usually you can catch me in the shoutbox, where i'm trying as best i can, to help people with their problems, even though it isn't always too easy to please everyone xD




Need something? Ask. Wanna know something about me? Ask. Have an idea for a program to aid Exiled Bot? Ask.


Anything else? Ask.



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I have question, why we got bans everyday ? xD



Cause you greedy & bad. 24/7 here since I joined this community.. and still no ban.


Stay away from vpn.. and if you care about longevity of you account... only use one accnt.

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I have question, why we got bans everyday ? xD


I haven't been banned yet. But as Gheeda said, being greedy tends to backfire.

Don't stay away from VPN's though, use them! Just don't use public ones ;)

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