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plz consider these so we can avoid being banned

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Ive been using your bot for  about a month now and I have not been banned but im only running it 8 hours a day and only 1 bot not multiples like some people..

a lot of people have been banned recently and if I was a admin for path of exile I can easily point out the people who are using this bot...so some things have to be changed.


1. This is a major issue...when selling items to vendors it sells 1 item,closes,sells 1 items,closes,sells 1 item and closes and so on.. that's a major flag right there. make the bot sell everything at once please.


2.allow bot to work more then 1 zone.. if some one is constantly doing mud flats non stop that's a flag.. but if im doing mud flats and docks that would be much better.


3. random idle time please.. after 10 runs allow bot to sit in town for five minutes or so and then continue.


4.random speaking, allow bot to enter trade chat and post a message and leave trade chat randomly.

have people make there own phrases to put in chat.



Now feature suggestions

some times my poe program will turn white and close the game and botting will stop.

please make the bot re-open my poe.exe to relaunch the program and continue botting.


some times I lose elite status randomly and have to activate it again.. and im not sure whats causing this but I know a lot of people are having the same issue.

the bot checks elite status every like 20 seconds according to the program that I have that shows my in/out process's of my browser. if you could make it check elite status like every 10 minutes or even longer then that I bet you wouldn't have this issue anymore.


thanks for reading

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I was changing zones myself, it didn't helped, lost 3 accounts this week only. Also i was making pauses between runs.

Poor loot, plummeting currency prices and D3 RoS launch (i.e. playerbase shrinking in PoE) are the reasons I will probably quit botting this soon anyway. I have 2 accs left - if they'll get banned then i'll quit.

I can deal with losing few accounts, if the prices woulnd't fall so rapidly there will be a point, but now it's almost useless.

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Bot should be more human-a-like, so far it's just easy color/texture picker and it's doing the same stuff every time - for example, we are making 10 barrack runs. Bot is always clicking at act 3 tab, even it's enabled since 10 runs. Maybe there's bans problem? Bot is still doing same obvious-botting things.

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Well, GGG seems to have improved a lot their server-side heuristics lately. So yeah basicly we have to hunt all non-human behaviour and make it more human.

However I'm botting 16h a day in a vm, WITHOUT any vpn and I'm still waiting for the banhammer.


If GGG was able to detect the bot with 100% accuracy, they would not ban you on the case per case but will wait some times before doing a massive ban wave to ban all of us at once.

They may probably search for new accounts, tunneled connections, same instance created tons of time, time per day spent, death count...


To counter this, we are already working on some new features that will make the bot more human, like maps farming, boss running and questing.

So waiting for it, my advice is just bot smart and if you run a bot army, be prepared to get some banhammer strikes.

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many people are running bot army, using VM and VPN, but forget to change MAC, maybe that's the reason?

maybe GGG also watches hardware ID for detecting botters, no one knows

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i got hammerd after like 2-3 hours today running bots in normal ledge, leveling them up from the last ban..

Mac is not related. still running my main witch i play some on my own, some maps talking to ppl and do some otherstuff then the normal

Edited by rumpis

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The MAC address can't be changed since it's a hardware address, it is unlikely that this will be used in detection because public computers (libraries, family computers, schools, routered computers, internet cafes etc) would get banned

IP bans are generally applied to players that are using a character or characters from the same account over a 24 hour period. Although public computers, firewalled computers and family computers can have the same IP, the accounts that access the game are usually different.



Enable multi-accounts and profiles to be activated after a period of time with random events.

Account: [email protected]:password using Profile 1 runs for 7-8 hours

Sleep (rest computer for a period)

Account: [email protected]:password using Profile 2 runs for 7-8 hours

Sleep (rest computer for a period)

Account: [email protected]:password using Profile 3 runs for 7-8 hours


Random events (To be implemented)
Check shops for 6 socket items, 5 links, and 4 link items to sell (for possible Chromes)
Map upgrading
Currency upgrading
Chancing (already available)
Edited by Jermanius

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