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Separate out clicks per sec for movement and attack

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Based on this thinking:




I'd like to be able to reduce the clicks per sec the bot makes. I've experimented with the settings and reducing the default of 10 down to 5 or 6 seems to work fine for movement but can affect attacking as the click timings are not perfectly in sync with the skill availability if you have a high aps. So separating these out would allow more customisation for the user. Ideally attacking would click and hold rather than multiclick so it operated at max speed and didn't need to click beyond human ability, but that would be a bigger code change I'm guessing compared to just separating 1 variable into 2. Still if you're in the mood for a bigger job Alk and got nothing else on.... ;)

Edited by bonebox

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If GGG were monitoring any apm to ban people we would all be banned by now, people like to blamme every single aspect of the bot as cause of bans, but they forget the main reason: their own stupidity, I wouldnt worry so much about this.

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I'm not saying they're doing it if you read the post I'm saying they could. I'm curious where have you got the impression I'm stupid from?

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The "stupidity" part of my post isnt directly related to you, but to all the people that create "magical" detection methods for bein banned. I already saw some saying that if you dont pick uniques items or if you use multistash you will be banned. I would say that is highly improbable that they will use any apm checks since that would cause a shit ton of false positives, would be wayyyyyyyyy worse than the autoban for multiple instances.

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I agree there's some crazy paranoid ideas out there re reasons for banning. Personally I don't think this is one of them though in terms of something they could do. If moving aournd a cleared area with no break in the multiclick you would generate a humanly impossible (to my mind anyway) stream of clicks that could be tested for and could *only* be generated by a program or someone with serious shakes. No false postives at all. Try it:




Now try maintaining 10 clicks per second for 60 secs. I can't even do a couple. No one plays like that, no one.

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61 pah, damn you and your lightning fast finger ;) You see my point though, looks like the 60s is the peak of the bell curve for people's rates and that's over 10 secs with your entire focus being on clicking the mouse as quickly as possible without movement. Drops of course over longer periods. Be a rare human that could manage 100 over 10 secs, only a ro(bot ) that could keep that up for a minute.

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Stupid GGG. They know nothing about hardcore gamers.





Upd: In Firefox max is about 12500.

Edited by kokosoida

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