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minimum run time

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An option for a minimum run time would be great.

If bot chickens directly after 1minute, the bot will log in again after the remaining input time(i.e. 5minutes is input) = relog after 4minutes.

People are getting banned for creating too many instances in a short time, while you should make sure your botting char is strong enough to run smoothly - shit still happens.

Dunno if this was already suggested but im posting it anyways.


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good idea !


Or the bot can go back on the same instance if he not spend enought time in it

Edited by drmaboul

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I like the idea of going back to an instance if the bot did not spend enough time in it. Many times you chicken or die to a powerful enemy due to bad circumstances and any gear that could have been picked is lost. To improve on this would be to check for a town portal. I love cast on death linked with the portal gem for personal play and the bot could take another stab at such an enemy. Of course resurrection would be invaluable in combination with these features.

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