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[Information Request] - When we have to configure whole bot new

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if its possible it would be great if alkapone could write in the release notes:

[ you have now to reconfigure whole bot settings]


[ you havent to reconfigure whole bot settings ]


some people run 6bots or a lot of more and some also uses different builds and have different coordinates - so its sometimes a lot of "work" to reconfigure all things. it would be nice if we would know if we have to reconfigure or just can overwrite the EB.exe



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but its not only coordinates. its also system/pickit/general/skills config. i got sometimes probs when EB changed/improved/bugfixed 

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Since .15 I have been just copying over my profile to the new one. It gas the skills, pickit, coordinates, all that stuff in the profile and it works just fine.

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