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POE Window Position

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i dont remember precisely on what version 

but on ver 0.16b bot when we hit Start button, bot would reposition POE Window to the middle on the VM window

and i find this slightly uncomfortable


i like the earlier version where bot would position POE Window on the Bottom-Middle of WM


i would appreciate it if the Developer could at least add an option for the User on where to position the POE window upon Starting the Bot, maybe add a coordinate in the .ini files ? 

the X and Y would be the upper left position

Edited by hamncheese

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Everyone's going to have their own prefs why not just put a game window top left corner x,y in bot gui and people adjust themselves?

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Everyone's going to have their own prefs why not just put a game window top left corner x,y in bot gui and people adjust themselves?

agree, this is exactly what i suggested



You can place it anywhere you want.


- Start Bot

- F12

- Place windows anywhere you want

- F12

- Be happy

Thank you for the suggestion Masterpulha, i know about this, but imagine u having 10+ bots and doing the above step  x 10, and since the earliest bug i found since i moved to this bot are still there (Bot would Exit POE by spamming esc) and my script handle the re-launch of POE , the above step would be x10 x how many the bot decides to bugged out in a day, so yes, i think its annoying to do this after some time, i could script more to send {f12} to bot > re-position POE > send {f12} 

but IMO this is the kind of freedom a user shouldve had in the first place

so the suggestion like Bonebox and me proposed is pretty basic IMO

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We can try to define here what's best position for vm user ?

Waiting for your suggestions ^^

the best position for a VM user would be : 

the freedom to input whatever X, Y they want

i would appreciate it if the Developer could at least add an option for the User on where to position the POE window upon Starting the Bot, maybe add a coordinate in the .ini files ? 

the X and Y would be the upper left position

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I signed on to give this suggestion and found someone already did!!! :)

My first idea was to start PoE at top right of bot window. This would allow me to launch the bot , place the bot on the monitor of my choosing, and start the bot. Currently, the bot moves PoE to the primary monitor which is a catch all for so many system windows. I also use team viewer to monitor my bot while I am not at home. Team viewer puts up a window right in the middle of PoE on exit unless I remember to move it. If the bot has issues, moving the window becomes rather cumbersome.... I like the idea of coordinences, but it would be best to include monitor preference as well or it is all for not on my system.

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Not sure when the change occurred but in the past we could move the screen after F12 and restarting with F12, but now I've noticed that there are more misclicks outside the game window if I move the Window from it's original position

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