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Bot runs to rooftops and logs out.

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hey team. the bot is doing a couple of my many maps, then runs to the rooftops. after my max run time expires, it logs out, and repeats the process. 

i have attached my log. please look into it, and get back to me. 


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My bot cant atleast get out of hideout, i think it is outdate, can anyone confirm that? i'm using 0.84g atm.
(forum should have a fixed section "BOT STATS" to help with this kind of problems".


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It's not outdated, mine is running fine.
Don't use waypoint to go to hideout, use chat command [option 1].
If you insist on walking to a WP, have your last town be Oriath in the epilogue since it's right there.
Oriath Docks [A10] has garbage pathing, and you're probably going to get reported for walking weirdly.

ps, you die a lot.

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The big problem it's on hideout. you should have a clean hideout, remove all the trees and shits, and put the npc's near the waypoint/map device. try it 

Edited by poefan

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