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Separate non-chest containers e.g. urns from strongboxes

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Why lump the most profitable containers together with the least? I want to open strongboxes (get maybe 1-2 per zone), don't want to waste time kicking every pot it comes across though :)

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Why lump the most profitable containers together with the least? I want to open strongboxes (get maybe 1-2 per zone), don't want to waste time kicking every pot it comes across though :)


Holy shit this^


I was super excited when I saw strongboxes as an option. I never used the chest option since it kicked urns, I assumed they were treated as the same by the game so they couldn't be distinguished. But logic dictates if you can differentiate strongboxes from chests, urns should be discernable as well.



#subscribed hoping for an admin response to this.

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I have not seen it implemented... But to take the idea step further, casting fireball at urns save a lot of time... If the bot can differentiate urns, pots, and crates from chests and boulders, the action to open them should be easy to apply...

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