TzarChasm 0 Report post Posted January 20, 2021 Been playing POE for a few years, Love the game but it requires way more time than I have. Figured I would check this place out. My buddy and I started messing with AHK (AutoHotKeys) back in the WOW days, and we managed find 2 farming zones that we would take turns farming. Set up a little shop on a throwaway account and starting low key guild hopping meeting all the "cool kids" and selling them gold for raid spots, WOW tokens, Christmas gifts etc. I was able to gett all the gears and mounts a young dude could want. When Blizz introduced the WOW token it was like they were paying me to play, WINNER WINNER! I degress, so, here I am, hoping that I can finally get into some of the end game content without having to sacrifice my RL responsibilities amassing the currency needed to buy the gears\gems\etc. RNGesus smiles on me this day...I hope! cheers and stay safe Share this post Link to post Share on other sites