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Handle Vaal Skill Gems

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Detect if they are charged and only try to use when they are. So can set 2 skills with same range and not try to use the vaal one unless it can be, otherwise bot will just sit there trying to do something it can't.

Particular reason I'm looking at it is for use with Vaal Caress - gives 5 secs of onslaught (+20% move speed + 20% attack speed) with each vaal skill use. Vaal spectral throw only needs 16 kills to be available to give a 5 sec onslaught with my main (heavy strike) every 16 kills would be cool, could prob kill 16 mobs in 5 secs with aoe (melee splash) and using leap slam to move between packs. Like to try it out but of course doesn't work well atm as it tries to use it uncharged so bot just stands there sometimes.

Edited by bonebox

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u could try settin it with a lower priority and to only cast with x# mobs around you with a duration. try it and lmk if this helps.  Another useful one i really like is vaal cyclone on strongboxe's to prevent all them lil f*krs from scattering.

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Thanks Phaukt some good ideas I'll try that when I get home :) Confess the priority system doesn't make sense to me, I do all my skill choosing based on ranges. If 2 skills have the same range and 1 has higher priority wouldn't it always use that one? Are you using vaal cyclone on the bot?

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Except now that I actually think about it (dur, helps doesn't it!) the priorities are there for when there's different settings over the same range, like number of mobs present and mob type (though I could never get that targeting "specials"). Will try with that and the cooldown think it might do it :)


Thought there'll still be instances when it tries to use it and it's not charged so stops, and I guess other people might want to use vaal skills for other things, so my feature request still in (alk  :P )

Edited by bonebox

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Yeah, you understood the purpose of priorities.

I would like to hear some suggestion about how to improve current skill configuration system to make it simplier and more explicit..

Tell us if you managed to make the bot use your vaal skill gem properly pls!

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Have tried and it's not working how I'd expect. My main is Heavy Strike on priority 2 range 0-200. Have a 2nd as Leap Slam on 200-1500 priority 1. These 2 work together fine, very well in fact always have, bot leaps to anything even offscreen and switches straight to main when it gets there. Have now added a third, the Vaal Spectral Throw on 0-200 with priority 3 and cooldown 5000ms but set to only attack if min 3 mobs within a 600 range (which should be to screen edge more or less either side). So my understanding is if there's 3 mobs within a 600 range then it can use the st on anything within a 200 range. But it doesn't, at least most of the time, it just builds the st throw charges up then once in a while with no discernible pattern it lets one go. What am I missing alk, my logics right isn't it?


1st thoughts on the skill system; maybe some kind of gui with stacked dragable/scalable horizontal bars, the width and position of which determine range, top of the stack = top priority, x axis being range 0 - say 600 (perhaps configurable, maybe autosized to max range setting if >600). Maybe color code active/inactive. Could use overlaid badges to indicate normal/special (though I still can't get anything to target just specials), mob density settings or aura. As I say just first thoughts...!

Edited by bonebox

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for starters i can see 5000ms being an issues thats every 5s it tries to cast it... make it like 30000ms /30s it will give it more time to build up a charge priority and # of mobs around u shouldnt be as important, for a skill requiring alot of charges like vaal cyclone i would think i 2m cd would be required u need the correct time delay to build up charges or it would do anything.

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Yeah the problems the other way around though phaukt, it's not that it doesn't have time to build up charges, it builds them and doesn't use them, it's casting like once every maybe 30 secs with 5/6 charges in it by then. And during that time it's had plenty of opportunities with more than 3 mobs on the screen to use it but doesn't. Can't see the logic

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