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[AUTO DIE] dies automatically somewhere at about 50-80% exp

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i would rly like to see this feature soon since my chars are lvling too fast xD

the idea is to die when the character reached a certain amount of lvl and exp.

so he doesnt lvlup and get overlvled for the area. (especially for higher areas. merciless onwards)


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There is no reason not to level up. Farming Sarn Merciless is best, since you can get maps and chisels. After level 68 , you dont get anymore penalties to drops. So at 68, you have 17,5% less drops in Merciless Sarn. You can easily counteract that with IIQ. More importantly, as you level up further, this penalty does NOT further increase and you can easily get to 76-78 just by farming Sarn. That means access to better gear and more points to spend on passives.

As you level up and get stronger, you will be able to clear Sarn faster with less time per run. That means more currency. Also, you can now substitute more of your equipment for IIQ or now even IIR gear since we can pickup uniques to maximalize the yield.

So, why exactly do you want to stay low-level?

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didnt know there is a cap for less item drops.

but could u explain it a bit more? only the item drop penality. i know i can farm faster and get better IIR/IIQ gear on higher lvls.


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You get 2,5% less drops per level difference between you and the zone you are in, except the first 2 levels. So if you are 68 in Sarn (61), you will get (68 - 61) = 7 level difference. The first two levels dont count so you have 5 effective level difference. That means 12,5% less drops (forgot about the 2 free levels in my previous post).

However, for the purpose of this calculation, your level is never considered to be higher than 68 (because the original highest zone before changes was 66, not considering maps, so it was done so that you would never have any penalties mainly for map drops when farming the highest level zone available to you).

So whether you are 68 or 88, you will always have 12,5% penalty to drops in Sarn and zero penalty in Catacombs or Lunaris.

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Ledge is great for regular farming but very bad for this bot, as far as I can tell. You cannot predict the map layout in the same way that you can with Forest or City of Sarn and the mob density is not high enough to compensate. Ledge will be nice when or if we get pathfinding.

The forest is nice since you can somewhat predict the path and there are monkeys everywhere, adding to the probability that the bot will complete the run all the way. City of Sarn lacks the mob density but the map is so predictable that it is extremely easy to make a brute pathfinding script for it. Similar with Twilight Strand.

None of these maps contain any dangerous mobs, with the exception of Perpetus in Sarn, and they all deal physical damage (and lightning for the archers in Sarn) making it possible to ignore resistances and just stack armour.

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path finding is on its way. guess the devs thought it should be alrdy done xD

but it seems to be more complicated than expected. so it takes a bit more time.

EDIT: no offense ;P just take ur time. and hope u get A* done. its epic

and ye i love the forest too ;)


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@Pepapepa , you are assuming that all of us would actually want to bot act 3 merciless and that its the best place for all (maybe it is, like i care?) . You are correct it will at most be 12,5% penalty in act 3 merciless but how about earlier acts?? act1 merc?? its way to much.

Yes i am lazy, i don't want to lvl up to fast and have to boost my bot half day and gear it up to often just so i wont get that huge currency debuff.

Having this feature would be lovely for me.

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pepapepa, do you have an ideal build for a character that can run merciless sarn without dying and having a fast clear? I may want to try this on onslaught. It seems that merciless scales way up and becomes much harder.

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Same here bro, can't wait to release this feature and say "FUCK YEAH IT WORKS !" Really you can't even imagine the boner i'll have once this is done lol !

BUT, trust me d12, botting in sarn > ledge, really i wouldn't say that if i wasn't 100% sure about it mate.

Plus, you're one of the guy i really respect on those forums, just because you take some time to help everyone else as best as you can, don't think we don't see who helps everyone ;)

So move your ditry botting ass to sarn bro :P

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my main problem atm is the instancing crap.

im too fast running through instances and there are too many opened and the bot cant scroll down and open a new one ;)

this problem should also be solved if something like multiple zone cleaning comes.

and ye, im giving my best to help ppl. since i can imagine how hard it is to use a bot with less or no knowledge of computers (seeing my family trying to use pcs for just emails and they fail so often xD).

and as it seems botting is quite more complex sometimes.

the best i can say: read instructions CAREFULLY.


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pepapepa, do you have an ideal build for a character that can run merciless sarn without dying and having a fast clear? I may want to try this on onslaught. It seems that merciless scales way up and becomes much harder.

use a duelist blender build....

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Great idea, it's really cheap quick and easy to rush a character to Act 2 normal to grind the forest for a decent rate of orbs and a few low level uniques, my main problem with this bot is that my botting account is over-levelling the areas I want to farm, but I'm not willing to put too much currency into funding it to be able to bot in Sarn Merc.

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sinxe when does it pick up uniques>>???

when i fget to layout my inventory it fills with flasks and white items :S

1 way to help is use a void maul and optimise it :)

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not sure what ur doing wrong, but the bot loots uniques now for quite a long time, and also the looting mechanics has been improved and working rly nice now.

had about 3-5 trash items within 50-100h botting.

ofc u should have "usealttoloot" set as "true" in the bot config.

and set this feature in the poe client aswell.

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would it be possible for someone to work out a script to basically cast righteous fire once your XP hits a certain point?


Or alternatively, would it be possible to add an option to the skills use cast a skill whenever our XP is above a % value we can set? Then we can just map righteous fire to that skill or whatever and that should be a pretty simple way to keep ourselves below whatever point we want.


I had an idea and though to just map righteous fire to any skill and tell the bot to use it as an aura, but then realised there would be a problem then that it would just run in and kill itself over and over without fighting. but yea, this would be the perfect way to do it if we could only get it to only cast this 'aura' when XP is at/above a certain point, because with this you wouldn't have to worry about killing yourself with the skill triggering mid-combat when you might be fighting something with good drops.

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