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Alert when GM whispers you

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This obviously isn't an issue when people are running accounts using a VPN. Sometimes I bot on my main account on my laptop whenever I'm playing another game or doing a project on my main computer and today I got lucky. I kept farming the same zone and luckily looked at my laptop screen to see a GM messaged me asking me if I've had any luck with drops. I quickly stopped the bot and whispered back that RNG hates me and he laughed and moved on.


Might just be a rare incident but I remember the famous WoW bot mmoglider had this feature and it can be helpful with situations like the one above.

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Yey there are some people here who already started working on the chat messages handling.

So it may come, soon or late.

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Haha don't let it scare you from botting, I was farming the same area for at least for hours and of course a GM was in my instance town. Although it was way more common on WoW.

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