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A possibility to for example type in "The Upper Sceptre of God", and the bot would click this pile of bytes instantly, or could remember the coordinates to enter after [zone clear %] trigger. Or implement through looting system?


Press shift+left click when moving [x] leap slam, lightning warp, whirling blades

and cooldown on shift pressing [insert milliseconds]

Ignore normal monsters [x] to run for the loots

Retreat from target monster to [insert range],

when [insert hp% threshold]

always [x]

Retreat for [max milliseconds]

Cooldown for retreating action [insert ms]


Cast skill for [insert ms], to not interrupt Incinerate, Flameblast etc.

Ps. these ideas pretty much were here already, I just tossed it together in one post to get attention for the features I think are the most important.

Edited by Tomi Varjonummi

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I love the retreat idea. The run for loot is kinda in here already. set safe range to 200 and you avoid monsters that are not real close to pick up loot or open chests. I also think holding shift when attacking makes the character attack in place... I would have to check to be sure... but I know one key does do that so a simple check box for that key would work for incinerate.

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