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few requests

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- new ladder is near, maybe it is possible to add a few simple quests or at least a possibility to let the bot grind until he gets to a special point (where you take-over) Questing/Running is painful :)


- drop all items in the stash ( for faster muleing)


- better account security. check which IP is active/ is it the same. Check if realm down and stop re-loggin,


- smart pickit. many people work on it - which is very nice. But at the end a beginner/medium/expert pickit would be the best solution. Actually it's a bit of chaos.


- different vendor coords. much better guides to handle it now, but still a nasty thing when you keep your bot alone and after 8hours you find him idling at the vendor after 10 minutes botting -.-


- auto-update or at least a small guide what has to be done. (last update the old skill setup was unusable, wasted 15 minutes to find out und update all bots (*omg*) (sarcasm))


- better skill GUI. sorry, i don't like the actual GUI.



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the vendor part is hard to do auto, unless the bot recognizes the sell button.


and yea old gui was easier for skills, current one is a bit strange.

Edited by aeiz

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