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Vote the most annoying Bug u want to be fixed first

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105 members have voted

  1. 1. Select which bug u want to be Fixed first

    • Running back and forth cannot decide Explore / Loot
    • Close POE when doing chicken : temporary fix Autopoe
    • Stuck on Quest Item : finish quest before starting bot
    • Stash all Portal and Wisdom : no fix
    • Recasting Aura : set Cooldown : 90000
    • Clicks everything on desktop : clear your desktop
    • Stuck on Large Chest in Catacombs : dont bot in Catacombs
    • In Town, Clicking Portal instead of clicking floor : no fix
    • Fighting Invisible mob : Autopoe (maybe)
    • Bot standing still, cursor moving up and down slowly : no fix
    • 5-Link detection not correct
    • Item Stuck on cursor :

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3 biggest problems that happen to me across all bots are:


1. Fighting Invisible mob
2. Running back and forth cannot decide Explore / Loot 
3. 5-Link detection not correct
In that order. Rest of them aren't a problem

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running back and forth from loot is deffinitely the worst atm, huge time sink and lost loot, happens A LOT

yeah :( 

i agree this is the single most annoying bug

this bug is happening more and more often like every 3-5 minutes

and this bug has allready 34 vote 50%+ of all the ppl voting in here

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3 biggest problems that happen to me across all bots are:


1. Fighting Invisible mob
2. Running back and forth cannot decide Explore / Loot 
3. 5-Link detection not correct
In that order. Rest of them aren't a problem


 1. i agree this happens quite a lot too, but after a bit more observation Bot is not actually FIGHTING, it actually tries to Break something (vase,box,urn, etc), how do i know this ? i change the

Key To Use On Fail : Mouse_left

after changing this the bot didnt spam skill/attacking at all, bot would just stand there like a statue




3. agree with this one too, but not such a big problem for me, since for a 24 hour period this bug didnt filled my stash, so for now, i dont really mind this bug

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i want to report a new ive been noticing since 0.15d

but i think this bug does not relate directly to Exiledbot rather maybe its poe bug


1. Cannot Loot Item

ok this bug is rather odd, sometimes i noticed the bot would stuck trying loot certain orbs

this is what happen :

- cursor is stuck at the orbs

- i took over and manually move the cursor and bot would immediately snap back the cursor to the item

- pause bot (F12)

- i tried throwing some stuff on the ground

- loot it , success

- i went back to that strange orb and tryied to loot it , success ....

- and i thought, maybe lag ?

- and i can confirmed this is NOT caused by lag


this is how i confirmed : 

- when on other occasion bot stuck on same problem,

- i pause bot, find some mob,

- pull it closer to where the strange orb is

- try loot strange orb > failed

- kill mob > success ( no lag noticed at all)

- try to Loot again > failed

- throw stuff on ground > loot it > success

- loot strange orb > success

and i have repeat this process on more than 10 seperate occasion all tries end with the same result

so u see if its caused by lag, then i would notice the lag when i kill the mob, and i did check my latency with F1, and its normal under 50-70ish no spiking at all



my guess :

is this a new type of safety check done by GGG ?

i hope my explanation is clear enough

anyone else having this problem ?


2. Clicking Waypoint in Town is not opening up Window Map Selection

another odd bug that i observe is coming since these last few days


- bot spamming Left_click on waypoint which made it running around the waypoint like an idiot without any window popping up

- pause bot (f12)

- click manually on waypoint > no window pops ..... lag ?

- tried asking random stuf in global chat > succces > ppl even reply to my random question

- tried click waypoint again > Failed

- run manually to the nearest portal in town ( act 3 > Sarn Slums) > Success .... not lag ? POE bug ?

- go back to town, tried clicking waypoint again > Failed.....

- manual Relog

- tried Clicking waypoint > Success > window Map Selection pops up.....


my guess :

GGG safety check ? because bot open too many new instance ?

i did change the Max Run Time : 300 seconds  (5 Minutes)

why i changed the timer ? because of the back and forth bug, this way if bot is stuck on back and forth, it would only stuck for 5 mins max

and this would make my bot creating new instance every 5 minutes

what do u guys think ?

anyone had similar problem ?

Edited by hamncheese

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I feel the most annoying bug atm is somewhat 2. one is a easy easy fix. other not so sure about.

Ok this happened in 15E then continued in 15F

first off when i botted with 14 it would run flawless 24/7 botting maybe 1 crash per vm every 24hours.

now i run bots and in 24 hours I have over 12 dialog boxes up saying exiled bot has crashed press to restart (autopoe doesnt exit these and just reopens) which means EB is crashing 12-15times a day not counting poe crashes.


the second and main one. approx every other run my bots get stuck in stash AFTER it flips through all tabs. its like the bot clicks in the middle of screen and if it just ever so slightly lags it expects stash to be closed, but it isnt so it clicks again and reopens stash. then when its reopened it thinks its in waypoint menu and clicks the stash as if its selecting waypoint.

I think this would be an easy space, like after it closes stash wait 2 seconds and press space bar again to make sure all menus are closed. then walk to waypoint.

this is annoying because out of the last 15 times ive pulled up vm to monitor bots, 6 of the 7 on each PC is stuck in stash bug. only 1 will be actually in the zone its farming.

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I feel the most annoying bug atm is somewhat 2. one is a easy easy fix. other not so sure about.

Ok this happened in 15E then continued in 15F

first off when i botted with 14 it would run flawless 24/7 botting maybe 1 crash per vm every 24hours.

now i run bots and in 24 hours I have over 12 dialog boxes up saying exiled bot has crashed press to restart (autopoe doesnt exit these and just reopens) which means EB is crashing 12-15times a day not counting poe crashes.


the second and main one. approx every other run my bots get stuck in stash AFTER it flips through all tabs. its like the bot clicks in the middle of screen and if it just ever so slightly lags it expects stash to be closed, but it isnt so it clicks again and reopens stash. then when its reopened it thinks its in waypoint menu and clicks the stash as if its selecting waypoint.

I think this would be an easy space, like after it closes stash wait 2 seconds and press space bar again to make sure all menus are closed. then walk to waypoint.

this is annoying because out of the last 15 times ive pulled up vm to monitor bots, 6 of the 7 on each PC is stuck in stash bug. only 1 will be actually in the zone its farming.

woa how did u fix no 1 ?

1. Cannot Loot Item

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One more Bug - 

Characters with Long name are infected with 




Bot Came back to the Sarn city for items ID-ing  and missClick on *Portal's name* when on the way to vendor 

Edited by metaxer

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One more Bug - 

Characters with Long name are infected with 




Bot Came back to the Sarn city for items ID-ing  and missClick on *Portal's name* when on the way to vendor 

yeah this happens to me a few times too, and i allready put up this bug on the vote panel

but you are correct the longer the Toon's name , the more likely bot will missclick




ps: Dear Santa,

what i want for this christmas is for Exiledbot to get rid of the atrocious back and forth bug.... :(

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