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Full Inventory Pickup

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I have quite a bit of quantity and rarity and I want the bot to pickup everything. However it happens quite often that my inventory is full for a run (even when stashing/selling all stuff the after previous run).


So the bot just stays there like forever and tries to pick things up. Is there a way to limit pick tries and just continue or go back to town to vendor things?

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no. we all crying about it here so get used to it

Alk , please since you're fixing this, you should also make the bot stash EVERYTHING except scrolls and orb fragments before it starts a new instance, because a lot of times there's just leftover stuff (orbs etc) in the middle of the inventory taking up space not allowing the bot to pick up as many items as it should

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Alk , please since you're fixing this, you should also make the bot stash EVERYTHING except scrolls and orb fragments before it starts a new instance, because a lot of times there's just leftover stuff (orbs etc) in the middle of the inventory taking up space not allowing the bot to pick up as many items as it should

i believe that what he actually working on. At least that what we all asking about for last 2 month

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