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Upgrading Orbs

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Upgrading orbs can be pretty tedious, especially when doing it across a dozen or so bots.


I wrote a script, which while still requires a fair bit of work on the devs part, but will upgrade orbs based on configurable parameters.




What is needed in terms of dev work :


- Add relevant windows #includes

- A function to parse stash for currency stacks, and tally up a total count for specific currencies.

- A function to click buy on the vendor.

- A function to parse vendor inventory to search for currency upgrades.

- Some code to move the mouse to, and control click at the location of specific currency upgrades. (I'd write the control click portion, but I don't know which parts of win32 api you guys are using)

- Probably want to convert this into a class file.


What it does : Searches a file named "upgorb.odb" for 7 integer numbers (The amount of currency to be stashed before upgrading it), ignoring any line with a ; in it. Plugs said integers into an array, and (dependant on dev work after this point) checks if you have more than the minimum amount of currency to upgrade and then upgrades it if you do.


example of upgorb.odb :

;if more than this many portal scrolls, buy transmutation orbs
;if more than this many transmutation orbs, buy augmentations
;if more than this many Augmentation orbs, buy alterations
;if more than this many Alteration orbs, buy jewelers
;if more than this many Jewelers orbs, buy fusing
;if more than this many chance orbs, buy scouring
;if more than this many scouring orbs, buy regrets
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what you just ask would be probably a week of coding.


first you gotta read the memory of said locations

then you gotta calculate what does what

then you gotta not inject, but use windows api to move the mouse so it can do said actions.

this would also require probably an array or some sort to keep track, because you can not simply have one square as a full stack and etc.

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what you just ask would be probably a week of coding.


first you gotta read the memory of said locations

then you gotta calculate what does what

then you gotta not inject, but use windows api to move the mouse so it can do said actions.

this would also require probably an array or some sort to keep track, because you can not simply have one square as a full stack and etc.

I'm pretty sure the offsets wouldn't be too hard to find.

Item offsets are already known, so you just need to find where the store's item memory blocks are.

calculate which now? you just need to match known mem values in the appropriate block.

windows api mouse control functions are easy to write, I just don't know which they use.

yeah, you'll need an array of 7 values for the 7 different item types you're looking for. A smally tally function could do this.


All in all it's about 4-5 hours of work, providing the memory block for the store is as easy to find as I think it is.

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Very nice! Something like this should be incorporated to the bot it self if possible


Way to go man.

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that's the idea... I mean you could write an ahk script to do it with image search, but this here alk can use in the source and just call the config function every time the bot is at stash.

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