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I bought an e-cigaret from http://www.liberty-flights.co.uk/ a year and half ago.

I tried mint, strawberry and cherry nicotine liquids and they tasted awesome.

I lost the cig one night when I was drunk as fuck and never bought a new one, dunno why.

Growing weed for my mother and my father, non-smoker still. ahah :)

hahahaa nice

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Just quit smoking cigarettes on my 3rd week of Nicoderm CQ (StepTwo).

Thankfully I am in Colorado and have 6 very nice very legal Sour Diesel plants keeping me well stocked on bong hits.

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Just quit smoking cigarettes on my 3rd week of Nicoderm CQ (StepTwo).

Thankfully I am in Colorado and have 6 very nice very legal Sour Diesel plants keeping me well stocked on bong hits.

God I love Colorado! I'm your neighbor over in Utah. You know that stuck up state that will probably be the last to follow WA and CO. ^ as for the E-Cig thing, I've tried them out, here in utah probably 1in 2 ppl have one. They just dont cut it for me, I prefer the old fashioned way, rolled tobaccy, or wacky tobaccy. :o

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Guest seanpf11

Im using a Ego C battery/atomiser(spelling) from enjoi that ive been using for about 6 months now, used to smoke a pack a day :)

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Guest seanpf11

motherfucker, I live in Texas getting my hands on sour diesel takes a arm a leg AND a stack.

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