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Maximizing bot farm time (Need option to remove some drops, wisdom etc)

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I think it would be very nice if we got the option to totally Disable drops like Scroll of Wisdom, Maps, Armourer Scraps, Blacksmitth Whetstones.


I'm getting very tired converting thousand of wisdom scrolls in return for 3-4 fusings, and I dont want to advertise that im selling thousands of scrolls in trade each day, and 4 Stash Tabs simply aint enough for this, and I dont really have the time for spending 30+ minutes converting maps and scrolls each day.

And no chance that I will spend hours in trade to get rid of some scrolls/whetstones.



When you have over 100 IIQ and kill Magical/Rares/Exiles/MiniBosses They drop alot of trash items + a few scrolls 99% of the time, The Bot is having a very hard time to pick up Scrolls/Maps/Whetstones/Items in general when there's alot of Trash items laying around in one spot. My bot can fail until he relogs because of no kill on 1 single scroll of wisdom. It's very annoying to watch. + This is also the reason why you end up with nonsense white items in stash because of missclicks trying to pick up items while it's a big mess of items on ground*


The option to disable these drops would give me a higher chance to find uniques + orbs instead of converting/trading away large stocks of crap currency.


When we get multiple stashing on this awesome bot, this will become a very huge problem for me to manage. Over 90% of my 4 stash tabs will be Scroll of wisdoms/Maps/Whetstones/ArmourerScraps in a couple of days of botting.

Edited by beikenmule
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Um.... in bot you don't select "pick up scrolls", doesn't that solve the scroll issue? and for stones, just set a smart picket to sell them.... and why do you not check your bot?? takes literally 2 seconds. If you want a bot that you just leave alone and look at it next week, try one of those ones that get you banned in 30~ mins.

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yea i agree wisdoms are a waste of time. Honestly the time used picking up or restarting client because of getting stuck just for wisdoms is not worth it. I guess what we really want is a GUI version of smart pickit somethings like poe xyz where we pick and choose and set our Smart pickit. That will solve the problem since anyone can choose what they want to keep or not etc.


From a programming point of view its not difficult to code just very time consuming and the person has be familiarized with items in the game.

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Um.... in bot you don't select "pick up scrolls", doesn't that solve the scroll issue? and for stones, just set a smart picket to sell them.... and why do you not check your bot?? takes literally 2 seconds. If you want a bot that you just leave alone and look at it next week, try one of those ones that get you banned in 30~ mins.

You seem to have missed the point totally and where does this "try on of those that get you banned in 30 mins come from" what does this have to do with anything?


+Another thing if you sell armourer scraps/whetstones what do you get in return? More wisdoms!

+If set pickit to sell wisdoms/portal scrolls what do you get in return? More wisdoms!

= Infinate loop at NPC selling Wisdoms all day long  so dont even bother trying that :)


One day you will appriciate this idea, when your so rich that you dont feel the need to waste time on scrolls/stones + using time on managing all your trash items in stash. You will realize it soon enough, it's not fun to have 3 stash full of 66 maps to get 3 70 maps in return if you know what I mean :)


Trust the beiken he know's his stuff ._.

Edited by beikenmule

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Um.... in bot you don't select "pick up scrolls", doesn't that solve the scroll issue? and for stones, just set a smart picket to sell them.... and why do you not check your bot?? takes literally 2 seconds. If you want a bot that you just leave alone and look at it next week, try one of those ones that get you banned in 30~ mins.

because bot need scrolls for TP and for ID staff? its not about to not check bot days its about waste time for selling-removing huge amount of scrolls and maps from ur stash. Dont know why someone dont understand that

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My idea with this feature  is to have Portal scrolls enabled and Wisdom Scrolls Disabled, if I want more Wisdom scrolls I would enable it for 1 hour and keep like 60scrolls for example to ID rares if you get the picture.

Would also disable whetstones,scraps & maps just so I dont have to think about that anymore. Thats how I would use this option if we had it.

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