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[NOT LOOTING] possibility to not loot scrolls

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since im looting a shit load of scrolls of wisdom and portal scrolls all the time i would suggest a feature which makes it possible to decide wheter the bot loots scrolls or not.

and maybe something similar for gems. like: quality gems only or support gems and quality only, ....

didnt rly think of the gem thing yet since its hard to say. cause of other valuable gems like multi.

feel free to give ur own suggestions.


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Hey d12,

You'll be able to customize the pickit config once we'll have the time to work on it a bit, atm we have more important features to work on, so yep we'll implement such things but not now. ;)

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It's just the amount of work it requires actually....within next week it'll be better ;)

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working on more or less huge software projects on myself from time to time.

know what u mean. its a pain ;)


PS: any guesses when a "first try" pathfinding is coming?

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I'll work on it this week-end, see what kind of things i can do to implement A* or TSP.

However no idea how long it can take...it's hard to implement this function.

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