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bot wont run just hits

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so my bot wont run it kinda just gets to the map its set on (sometimes it goes to comepletely different maps than selected and runs around killing but the maps completely random )

but for the most part the bot just goes to the map selected, and just hits , with left click attack and doesnt move.

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cheers bro that fixed it for a bit until it just randomly started clicking above the acts in teleport screen clucking act 2 and a quest. (im currently trying to do act 2 wetlands.)

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You have to finish some quests manually. The bot wouldn't run completely by itself.  Bot will be stuck at Bandit quests.  When bot is keep clicking Act# and quest, that means it is trying to figure out which quest it needs to run and it may not run at all. So you need to finish manually until entering  Vaal Ruin.

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