james.kostesich 1 Report post Posted December 27, 2013 Hi, Background: I like to use the ability Poison Arrow in conjunction with fire trap while leveling, or in races if I get the chance, and I have found that it is an extremely quick way to progress through areas. I have also had great success using a Poison Arrow build on a exiled bot that had spent all passives on Damage over Time and Chaos Damage with +2 Bow Gems on a bow and Empower level 3 it is quite effective and inexpensive to build, and with bear trap to be used if they get close it can stop exploding melee enemies. Poison Arrow also targets in front of the enemy a little bit instead of getting a direct hit. Suggestions: To have an option to target enemies only once with the skill*, or to have each enemy only targeted once per X seconds. *(So that a user could put Poison Arrow as skill 1, and Firetrap as skill 2, and have the bot use each skill once then ignore the enemy). Make it so Poison Arrow hits more consistently instead of just leaving a cloud for them to walk into. Or just make it target a little bit behind the enemy. Reason: To make Poison Arrow/Fire Trap/Other DoT builds more viable for farming. Because of their ability to attack enemies and then keep moving as they die it would be a great addition to make them viable and would really increase the farming speed of a build that is powerful independent of equipment. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites