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Simple Tips to Avoid Getting Your Anus BANNED

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Nice tips posted there :).


I believe we should add more regarding how to bot in a more human way.

I believe this is everything and breaks some patterns that GGG could be based on.


So from our side we need to get better on using the bot.. in a normal, random, human way.

On the other side the bot has to get better (stop looping etc) because it gives out many patterns this way.


There are 2 things that we can do in addition in my opinion:


  1. To randomly change the map explore ratio.. Like for 2hours have it to 90% and then change it to 70%. Who on earth does explore exactly the same percentage of map everytime??? (But I guess the bot aint so much accurate so its not exactly the same percentage.. but still it could be a pattern)
  2. To randomly afk meanwhile botting quite often. It is so strange if you bot for 6hours and never afk for 20 sec to piss off..
Edited by f1ndm3h

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hmmm @ Ether yes you can add friends....just be very sure they are actual friends who wont report you for botting...because as stated before it is SUPER suss....seeing a friend online ALL THE TIME as In, random game people you dont know well might get jelly............trust me...only add friends if they truly are your friend and are cool with what u do...

Once again I have to stress this...be very careful who you add and socially interacting ...people are able to ninja add u and are able to see you as a friend going offline and online without your approval even...

Alot of my bots have only a few friends I trust...and I like it that way...no bans so far...

im not so keen on adding eceryone on the sun and spouting my name on trade channel...for obvious reasons, I prefer to be discreet and not call attention to myself

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That was not a question. That was a good practice. But thank you for expanding the matter for other players. I was a bot-hunter in my old days - making bot "real" is as important as technical safety.

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Idk man...I just wouldnt go shouting my name to the whole world...when im doing something illegal in the game...

Yes you are right... socializing/partying with others (on your friends list) does give the impression of legitness....I however would refrain from spamming my bots name on trade channels etc...and forums...as stated above in my posts about the issues of people trying to communicate you when you are not there, and when they ninja add you!

Thanks for the replies always good to have healthy discussion about these topics

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Coming from other games and RMT markets, can any of the tech smart people tell me if there are any cache files that GGG can write to that monitor your activity that can be deleted or made read-only?

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they arent that sophisticated Xier0..their staff isnt actually that large...


they just have a few thresholds and triggers which flag your account im speculating...

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wow GG...did u trade with one another etc...make parties...more information please ...


very sorrry for your loss tho thats a real kick in the crotch

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Hello all, had some questions I'm hoping the community could help answer in regards to tip#1 as quoted below:



#1. Use a VPN/Proxy and VM to separate ur accounts.
VPN/Proxy - provides you with another alternate IP to your home IP, think about it...if your botting all your bots on one IP, and you get banned, most likely you will lose all your bots and your main.
By using a VM which creates a virtual computer with its own MAC and Hardware addresses, you can use a VPN to give it a separate IP to your main computer. Then if a ban occurs on one (if you had 2 accounts ++) the other/s will most likely be safe."
How are you running PoE in the VM? Is there  a guide on this?  I was going to use the native Hyper-V capability in Win 8, loaded up a Win7 VM, downloaded client and get an error in regards to video.  Doing some searching, seems there are quite a few issues with doing 3d graphics on a virtual machine.  There are some workarounds but they all look rather complex or have specific hardware or OS requirements, so how are most accomplishing this?
Also, how does running it in a VM help with IP addresses as your external facing IP is still the same as the host computers which is set by your ISP.  My ISP give's me a dynamic IP that changes daily so maybe I have some relief there assuming I don't log into my main the same days as my bot, but maybe I'm misunderstanding how this is done?
Appreciate any help or links to guides with which to educate myself, I realize I am new to this and may not be understanding some of these concepts.
Edited by bbbbbbbbb

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regarding trading vs dropping,


if they monitor trades, isn't reasonable think they also logs drops?


drops are even rarer than trades in general, so I'm not sure if this trick if valid at all.

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the def log trades for RMT purposes...thats how u get curr banned...then banned


no curr bans or any bans from the drop method atm...will remove it once they change their ways...for now its "safer"

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interesting tidbit that is probably irrelevant but


 Go to your path of exile directory and then click on the logs folder and open client file with notepad.

seems to be mostly just chat logs.. 

Edited by Walt

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I just had 8 of 10 bots banned. Would like to know what ive done wrong because theres gotta be a clear mistake ive done if almost all my bots get banned.


What ive done for each bot: new vm, new email address(verified, different providers), new vpn(different gateways/ paid vpn)


What they had in common: No Lifeguard, Dynamic VPN, almost exact passive tree skilling, same account password.


What they did not have in common: no shared parties or any other contact between bots, different farming areas/difficulties, no movings of currency between or to other accounts except ingame trading, different leagues(bloodlines/torment), different names etc, some had idle times set, some not. most of them were only active for 3 or 4 days when i decided to shrink down the size of farming bots due to hardware issues. similarish, but not same online times.


would be thanksful for any information about why my bots might have been banned



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Here comes Path of Exile banning information compiled from more than 50 bots created and banned in a few month space farming 12h/day. I'll put a list here of main causes of bans from my observations (the order is not important) exile bot logs and actions in-game:


- Flagged VPN/VPS providers

- Farming same World Map (Docks / Library / Dried Lake / Kaom's, etc..) without switching zone for long time

- No Idle Settings, Runtime and Profile Changer (It's a must now for Auto-AFK shit implemented)

- Trading all currency to one account from all bots

- No in-game action like trading currency

- Gearing your bot from your main account (flags your main too, repetitive action will ban your main)

- Exile Bot issues:

      - Getting Stuck in a Map,

      - Portal Scrolls spamming,

      - Bot trying to do the same action without success,

      - Getting stuck in masters arena without the possibility to exit it, because the bot tries to spam portal scrolls and doesn't chicken out to login screen or char selection.

      - And there are more i can't remember right now

- Human report of your account


This are my main observation, botting 7-8 bots daily for 12 hours.


I have seen manual bans per account, automatic bans for 2-3-4 bots at the same time.


Hope this helps you guys, because it was way to expensive for me to learn, but now it worth it!


BOT Smart!


Credits to Mojado

Edited by dynastyo

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Is it important to have another MAC with multiple accs? Isnt enough to have through sandboxie differents IPs ( paid VPN) ? 

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If i botting 10 accounts with 10 different computers in the same time, same public IP address, 5 hours/day
Will i be banned?
Thanks in advance for your answer

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Did I read correctly ? I'ts not safe to mule  items from bot('s) ? And its not safe to party with my bot('s) ?

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Just a question but what about guild banks? provided the guild has multiple members? i have a group of freinds and we are all in the same guild, i wouldnt have any issues sharing currency ect with them would this flag>

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