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Suggestion to the Exiled Bot

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I suggest you guys start to think of safety too, more then just none injections.

My suggestion is you guys simply add:

* Anti-ban system:

- Set timer for a break: Every 1 hour it takes around 15~30 min break + look around into the vendor shops
- Auto-afk: it sometimes afk in towns + Walk around in town random + Some times look int cash shop also
- Chat Macro like it write something random you have type into the chat and it would sometimes randomly chat to people on global chat/trade chat of the Macro chat you have added to write + Scrolling the chat

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wont help lol, they arn't checking the usual ways botters behave, trust me.



will it actually will help your conscience thinking that you won't get banned lol.

Edited by darkbluefirefly

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Guest BloodyBeast

agree....still botting 24/7 LIKE A BOSS june, jully, august, september, october, november, december....that's a bit long now...don't you think? xD

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Yes but it wouldn't be a bad idea either and that will incress your safety incase don't you think :o ?

ofc useing the bot 24/7 is bad but that extra safety would make people feel extra safe because it makes it more human legit.

I also wonder why people get banned :o i haven't

Edited by xiwic

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Guest BloodyBeast

Yes but it wouldn't be a bad idea either and that will incress your safety incase don't you think :o ?

ofc useing the bot 24/7 is bad but that extra safety would make people feel extra safe because it makes it more human legit.

I also wonder why people get banned :o i haven't


Something good would be to simply shut down the bot while you sleep.

That way you're like an unemployed person, playing like 18 hours a day and sleeping 6.

Idk about pauses...to be honest...idk i just don't see the point.

I don't want to be rude etc...i'm just searching the best thing to do to improve both security/rentability of the bot.

If you use 1 bot, you're fine....multibot....and you have to use VPNs etc...do not trade between accounts etc....pain in the ass tbh.

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The point is that you don't have to care about how long your bot have been online, you can simply just leave it as it takes a break

Then atlest there should be a pause button like it logs out and then log back after 8 hours and runs for around 12 hours then pause again~

You suggest to run 1 bot with no VPN ? I mean i don't wanna get IP banned and then use my main account with VPN to be avaible to play lol.

Also isn't the point of boting to get currency..

"The team worked hard on a non injection method of instructing a character to complete every possible task WITHOUT using injection or memory writing! While the everyday bot programmer would think of this to be a huge waste of time & resources (it is MUCH more work). However we think that it definitively worth it!"

Edited by xiwic

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