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Here is my request:

-> make the bot use all stashs by using pickit

-> for example you could add a feature in the pickits like       


[Category] == "Chest" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [base_item_found_rarity_+%] >= "15" && [stashItemIN2] == "true"


-> i think its very easy for you to program/implement this feature, till the final release of the using of multistashing

-> i also think that after release of the multistashing feature this feature in the pickit files could be very useful because of the time it costs to sort the items you botted



-> for now better 24/7 botting oportunity

-> feature would be also nice after normal release of multistashing

-> easy to program: because the bot is able to use stashing by pickit and is also able to stash in specified stashes[1,2,3,4] -> that means that the only think needed to program is to add this pickit feature? I think no other changes are required



-> has no logic that means if all gloves had to go to Stash[3] the bot will repeat the stashing infitive when the stash is full



btw: thanks for the great Gui!!!

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if it's so easy, download olly and find the memory block for stashes, figure out a way to parse it to see when it's full, and write an algorithm that would handle the stash tab switching yourself.


Devs are working hard on getting the current features working as they should, and taking on 10 new features while trying to touch up and finish what you're already working on is too much,


We'll get there, don't worry.

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Guest BloodyBeast

Here's a pro tip.

24/7 will get you banned.

Sorry but i disagree (level 90 here brah....) xD

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jarvis that was just a suggestion ^^. im dont have the skills doing that. i thought that this forum is to write what you are dreaming of. 

if a dev will do that , that is his choice not mine. i just thought that it would be easy to implement for the currenct developer and not for me. if it would be easy to me, i would have done that and shared it xD


also look at the thread title: 



i dont have a clue if its a 1 hour work or 100 hour work :)

Edited by dasnon

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Here's a pro tip.

24/7 will get you banned.

they detect bot for some other mark then exp time. friend was run bots 8h a day and get banned when bots was only 74lvl. Mine runs close to 24/7 for last 2 weeks almost lvl83 and still ok.

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you must different farming account and "main" account. im now botting a lot to learn the game better and have currency to test different special builds. i dont care if i get banned on this account. 

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what gets you banned is if the game support staff obtain a reason to look at your account more closely...


-report from another player (DONT tell your friends you bot.)

-strange in town behavior seen by player/support staff

-large number of IP/location changes due to multiple VPN changes

-large number of logout/login (Get elite and use portal scrolls instead. Do longer runs. Build stronger bot that wont die often.)

-posting your bot account name on public forums where a support staff or other player might see it.


Once they look at the account more closely they will see the 24/7 activity and ban you with solid evidence of botting.

If your only running 8h-12h per day then even if you get reported it is harder to be certain your account is botting.

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