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My sujestions .. REALLY easy but hepful features (at least for me)

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If i could chose 2 major improvements for the bot they would be:

Changing the storage stack every "X" time, and Bot only managing the potions, (no moving, no attacking, only drinking)


i think if it could change storage stash every 1 hour for example i wouldn't need to config pickit at all, also i like to see all that drooped and chose myself.

If there was an option to bot only manage potions, with proper gear most boss would be piece of cake.

I think this should be pretty easy adds, and they would make a difference at least to me.


Best Regards

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potion i would assume would be easy, but storage thing. Have to think of it from a dev perspective. what if someone has 4 tabs and someone has 10 tabs? do you think they will be in the same location for every person who bots? :P that would probably be slightly more difficult UNLESS there was a like hotkey to switch tabs.

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