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[Unofficial] EBG (ExiledBot GUI) v2.1a [11/03/13]

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I think I found out why "Alt to loot" doesnt work with your GUI. Your tool writes bools in the config like this:

use_alt_to_loot =true;

instead of

use_alt_to_loot = true ;

The problem might be with the way the ExileBot parses its config. It seems to work with all the other bools (like autostart) but not with alt_to_loot. I think you need to add that whitespace between the value and the semicolon.

I'm still using your GUI (mainly because of that Movement-Timer) but with a write protected config.ini. Alt-Looting works fine that way.

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Working on a complete new GUI.

Will be released by tomorrow, hopefully - going into last test stage...

Awesome! Keep up the good work, and please fix the alt loot thingie :)

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Awesome! Keep up the good work, and please fix the alt loot thingie :)

This is fixed already, but that's a really minor thing - great changes ahead.

Sadly the tests were interrupted by another patch, so I wasn't able to test it the way I wanted...

Right now there are two more things on my todo list. If the bot won't be updated with in next hours, I might start implementing them.

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dont know where to post so ill try here... for random movement add send 5 and put a quicksilver flask on it :) and what about a flask on send 4 at 60% life with granit? somthing realy usefull and not that hard to add.

(kein plan wo ich es posten soll also probiere ich es hier... für random movment eine flask setzen und für % life eine def flask. sollte nicht schwer zu machen sein und gibt einen guten boost)

btw wo gibs EBG v1.0a? bin ich blind oder kommt die erst nach dem update vom bot?

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Your idea has to be implemented by the bot - I am not reading any game-memory with EBG.

Where to find the version? - Download the old one and it will auto-update.

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aura dsnt work... just spams q turns it on and off

Are you using Aero scheme? Do you have special setting DPI settings regarding your monitor?

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aura dsnt work... just spams q turns it on and off

it work! So YOU make something wrong!

Better ask 4 help than guess nonsense....

Wich Window u use...Screensize...color..theme???

Tell a bit more

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i have done the bot settings do i need 2 change windows settings???

no you don't need to change windows settings, but we need more information about your system - as written already...

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Hi, first off would like to say a big thank you for the effort put into this project.

I have a problem that only seemed to have started after the latest POE patch.

When I run the bot now, it just launches the game and spam clicks on the login button.

Once logged in, it no longer chooses my character ( #2 as ive specified ) and just continues to spam the login field area.

I would really appreciate some help on this matter and once again thanks for the work, if any information is required from my end please just let me know


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Hi, first off would like to say a big thank you for the effort put into this project.

I have a problem that only seemed to have started after the latest POE patch.

When I run the bot now, it just launches the game and spam clicks on the login button.

Once logged in, it no longer chooses my character ( #2 as ive specified ) and just continues to spam the login field area.

I would really appreciate some help on this matter and once again thanks for the work, if any information is required from my end please just let me know


Hi there. Unfortunately when a new PoE patch comes out the offsets change which puts the bot in a state that doesn't work. So for now just be patient. These guys are hard at work to have a new version that will be up and running, hopefully, sometime today, but that's just my guess. :D

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how to start?


not sure what u mean.... ??

how to start:

Copy this "EBG" files in the same folder where you put in the Bot Files.... use your mouse and "double click" with the left mousebutton at ebg.exe....


Read the instructions in the Gui... if you cannot read or don't understand... do a detailed question here!


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ATM you can't run the bot, as it is outdated...

You may use EBG in 800x600 with the enhancements, but that's it... (not sure if you really want this :P)

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