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Bot Partying with each other

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Bot Partying with each other (My thoughts, no I am not a programmer , but I am a OLD school botter)

I have on many occasions had my bots on in the same party, and manually putting them in the same map and starting the bots. The bot's tend to follow the same path and fight together (only time I have noticed them separating is when they need to back track and they have different very different speed) But most the time the other will catch up if the faster bot stops to fight..


While looting the closest one usually grabs the loot, chest , exc.

With these observations, and knowing what the bot does currently I think much of the foundation is set up for shared instances.

Pathing tends to be in sync as the bots stands . (sure some tweaks could be added to make sure they route together)

(Leader bot I will call it #1)

(Party members I will call #2)

Shared instances


#1 bot creates  a new instance.

#2 uses instance without making it new.


(now they bot as normal, with the normal bot settings)


These are the things that are not currently used in bot and most likely the hard stuff to make work.


#1 creating party from friends list, and adding them (depending on how many bot's in party)


#2 accepting party invite from friend /#1 only.


Once on a map the bots will run the map as normal, it's getting the bot's to meet in town and joining instances together that will be a issue.


There is also a wait time for selling and stashing items for the party members. (Maybe make each town run 60 seconds before leader makes new instance.)

If a bot disconnects #1  would need to send a fresh invite and new portal when #2 comes back online and accepts party invite.




If #1 crashes or disconnects, #2 should default to bot normally after a certain amount of time.

If #1 comes back online after the time limit (send invites), #2 will use #1 instance on it's next trip to town.

I am sure some can poke holes in this, and some have things they can add. I wanted to get this out there. Who knows it may inspire one of our awesome programmers.

Edited by Discordmaru
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Cool idea, I was testing this too - by using two machines and by "socializing" with other players while botting :D. Bots prefer free for all allocation... with perma they are kind of lost. I agree that the most important things are somewhat hard to make. Maybe something simpler - bot-buddy? It would be a support (auras? tank?), a mule and an quantity booster...

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Well if you farm areas with Rare mobs and Boss.. then a full party drops loot for 6 people... and if those 6 people are all your accounts it is of course way way better than soloing.


GGG after release wanted to promote team playing, so yeah it matters :)

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multiple bots in the same party are 

less likely to skip loot

less likely to die

able to clear content faster

less time spent per bot opening chests/barrels/pots

able to stack item quantity - need a better pickit for MASSIVE item drops. this can already glitch with just 1 bot



Is it worth it for drops?


lets say all our bots have 0% IIQ


100% +50% per extra bot

#ofBots | Quantity per bot

1 bot - 100%

2 bot - 75%

3 bot - 66.6%

4 bot - 62.5%

5 bot - 60%

6 bot - 58.3%


Lets say all of our bots have 50% IIQ


150% +100% per extra bot (50+50)

#ofBots | Quantity per bot

1 bot - 150%

2 bot - 125%

3 bot - 116.6%

4 bot - 112.5%

5 bot - 110%

6 bot - 108.3%


So as you can see there is diminishing returns on drops per bot by partying. The only way to make this worth it is with carefully planned party builds that can clear content faster and figuring out a way for one bot to get most of the kills with heavily stacked IIR (Culler Bot)


The bots would also need to consume fewer scrolls... they could all share 1 portal


A fully automatic partying function for the bots would be extremely complex. I would be happy with a "follow" function though. A follow function would make the bot follow around a player and be helpful for providing auras and for rushing bots through content.

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