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ImTotalyDrunks huge dream-feature list

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I know our wonderfull bot (updated realy slow but at last it's wonderfull) is still in beta or pre-release stage. However there are few things which could be added or upgraded. My ideas are below, they are not hard to do.


Small info for devs, programmers and other guys with mistic powers - it would be nice to say "nice idea, we will check it out" rather than "it will be included soon". Because waiting for something is more painfull than commenting it :P If you know what I mean.



Bot is working fine if there are no mobs like summoners or other kind of "reanimators". As we know, bot can't check out what monsters are in the area and what is the type of attacking monster. It would be great to add such feature like first-to-kill. Cleaning locations with mobs that can be respawned, summoned or reviewed isn't supported. Bot is killing resurrected mobs one by one for infinite amount of time (or is disconnecting after some time and making another game). We need option that allows bot to kills summoners first.



Sometimes bot is running like suicider into whole army of 100 mobs :P It's nice when it can kill everything easly. But sometimes bot should run away before using chicken. It would be nice to get such option like - use chicken if hp is = or below X%, use skill to run away if hp is = or below X%. For example - bot is using cyclone, jump, something like that to run away through mobs to last empty part of map. Bot should use such run-away skill once or twice to be safe.



As we know, bot is using Explore % option, right? It's good but not always. Some locations like Lunaris Temple or Solaris Temple are empty near WP zone. Bot is still exploring this section of location, it takes 10-20 sec without killing anything... Bot should know where are such always empty parts of maps, most of them are OBVIOUS. Example - around City of Sarn wp. Always empty, bot, please, don't explore it! :P



Bot is using skills a little too often. Some of them are AoE or is designed for holding button, like Cyclone or Rise Skeletons. We have some options like cooldown, monster amount, max and min distance (without any kind of info about how much we should enter). But we need option that allows bot to use hold-button. It should be easy to include into pre-release bot.



One of most often reasons why our bot is stuck... is about full stash tab. It's reeeeeaaaaaaaallllllyyyyyy annoying when bot is working 2-3 hours and got stuck for 1 hour because it's looking like fool into full stash. We need option like this. Bot will check out how many empty space we have in our stash, if desired TAB is full, he will try to use another one (if such option is ON). If all tabs are full he will just quit. Most bans we are getting for such afking and clicking like fool through whole stash for hours.



I know. There's script for that. But it should be included into bot weeks or months ago. Bot is easy to detect when he's doing the same thing for hours. We should add option to take a break for some mins. For example - loop X minutes of break around X-Y minutes. Bot will log out or go to the character screen and AFK for some minutes. Also it would be great to allow our wonderfull bot to clear random locations from the list. So it will be more human-a-like. Another example of human-like option is about sending some messages to cartain friends or at the global chat, ofc user should define 10+ messages and bot will draws one for X amount of time.



It's not hard to farm some boss using stationary waypoints. So it would be awesome to add new elite featuere - farming some most common bosses like Marveil (idk how shes named it's in English). Bot could go toward the location, killing monsters along the way, could farm boss and relog/reset. Of course, because of the fact that the bot is working the same under all types of characters this option would work only for some builds - like melee fighters. Farming Marveil, this fat guy in The Prison should be enough and it would be nice feature!



Look. So far bot is using flasks, right? Obviously it is! But... It should be able to use cartain flask in cartain situation. There should be  the option to set the flasks - when we  want to use, in what situation. For example we are setting up 5th flask as Granite Flash, with option to use when fighting with boss or other kind of hard enemy (blue, yellow, brown) - checkbox named "Boss support". Another example - Diamond Flask - we are using character based on critical hits. So we are checking box with name "Use ASAP".

Edited by ImTotalyDrunk
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Good suggestions bro....im sure the devs have simmilar ideas in mind

that being said, im particularly fond of the last 2 :D

i think number 3 however is abit hard, and is mostly taken care of atm by the chicken



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First to kill is a very complicated feature, and is dependent on class and build. I think what would be better is a database of monster and monster mods, and a list of commands like attack, run, try to kite, only use certain skill with power/frenzy/endurance charges etc etc... so that we could write our own action scripts.


Need a medic - Read above


oops not here - zone dependent, and fickle. A single content update could change everything.


aoe timed skills - 10 clicks per second is almost identical to holding the button. If you want, you can ramp it up in the config.ini


my tab is full - would require a parsing of stash, and with premium stash tabs, it would likely require a dynamic array. Vectors could be used to achieve this but either way it's a lot of work. Let's get the basic functions working, like pickit.


Im human - AHK?

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my tab is full - would require a parsing of stash, and with premium stash tabs, it would likely require a dynamic array. Vectors could be used to achieve this but either way it's a lot of work. Let's get the basic functions working, like pickit.



It's easy like hell. Just allow bot to check out for cartain image in cartain part of the screen, also cartain pixel type. There's nothing hard to script or any problems. I was making some color-pickers bots for many other games and it's the easiest to do from my idea-list. Realy.

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but this bot doesn't use pixel detection, it uses memory address reads.  Writing a pixel detection scheme and weaving it in would be overly complicated.


Edit : My opinion at least.

Edited by Jarvis101

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Also, bot is always trying to upgrade only FIRST gem avaiable. But... if our first game is "Gray" and cannot be upgraded, but one gem below can be upgraded our "wonderfull" bot is looking like guy with lack of 1 chromosome. It also should be fixed asap, bot should always check out how many gems it can upgrade, not just mass-click into first one <_<

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Too bad for you, you have to spend 5min per day right clicking gray gems  :D

Don't have the time to reverse whole gem system right now, but I'll keep it somewhere in my head.

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Guest BloodyBeast

Too bad for you, you have to spend 5min per day right clicking gray gems  :D

Don't have the time to reverse whole gem system right now, but I'll keep it somewhere in my head.

5 min if lack of 1 chromosome (maybe 2)*

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2 more ideas, kiddos!



It's not hard to farm some boss using stationary waypoints. So it would be awesome to add new elite featuere - farming some most common bosses like Marveil (idk how shes named it's in English). Bot could go toward the location, killing monsters along the way, could farm boss and relog/reset. Of course, because of the fact that the bot is working the same under all types of characters this option would work only for some builds - like melee fighters. Farming Marveil, this fat guy in The Prison should be enough and it would be nice feature!



Look. So far bot is using flasks, right? Obviously it is! But... It should be able to use cartain flask in cartain situation. There should be  the option to set the flasks - when we  want to use, in what situation. For example we are setting up 5th flask as Granite Flash, with option to use when fighting with boss or other kind of hard enemy (blue, yellow, brown) - checkbox named "Boss support". Another example - Diamond Flask - we are using character based on critical hits. So we are checking box with name "Use ASAP".

Edited by ImTotalyDrunk

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Thanks for your suggestions.

We already planned the two last features. Soon we'll be able to config skills, flask and even movement via a powerful, user-friendly event system.

Boss running is just a new logic to do, will take some time but would definitively worth it.

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It's easy like hell. Just allow bot to check out for cartain image in cartain part of the screen, also cartain pixel type. There's nothing hard to script or any problems. I was making some color-pickers bots for many other games and it's the easiest to do from my idea-list. Realy.



We don't use any pixel in the bot.

I love when people say "You should do this, I don't see any difficulty, really, it's very easy!! I already did it in another project".

Sry but you have no idea about the complexity of the exiled bot project and no idea about how hard it is to fit any new logic in the whole system, without breaking anything.

But you are right, this shouldn't be so hard and wouldn't take more than 2 or 3 day implementing and testing it.

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I'm here, again!

With new cool-uber-pro-awesome idea that would be included into our wonderfull botting experience! < derping in drunken language >






... this thing below isn't included in elite features?!



There's nothing more awesome than farming maps. However, some of them are hard and dangerous, but some are easy as shyt. For example - using Tropical Island Map (level 66) is like taking candy from a baby. Easy and fun. Maybe it's not the best map avaiable but it's great for botting. There are no enemys that are dealing elemental damage, summoning other monsters or other shyt that could stop our wonderfull bot. So... it would be great to add elite feature that allows us to farm some map types. This is always a way to earn more exp and more items. Even if the bot will not get any perfect items it will be able to sell rare items and get something from wendors.


What do you think, guys?

I think it's great idea - if our wonderfull bot can farm normal mobs, why it can't farm 2 or 3 kinds of maps? Is there anything that might stop bot from farming maps? Innormal mobs or something that bot can't recognize correctly?




I'm sorry for asking but why the hell didnt you solve this issue already yourself? I mean, fuck it! take yourself 10 minutes and put aome ahk/autoit/whatever Code together to get rid of your problem! Since you did similar stuff for tons of other games, this shouldnt be any problem for you...

Some years ago I was using program called Tasker (or something like that). It's old as shyt and abandoned since years, however it was great fun to make some macros in this program. It was able to make some scripts like Ahk, autoit and similar stuff, also compiling into exes, dlls or others.

It was working great in many browser games or other kind of games without dynamic animations. I'm shure that I'm not as professional as you in some kind of macroing, however as I remember it was realy easy to make screen-checker. If I remember - this program was able to scan screen in search of a specific texture/image/png in cartain part of screen.

I would try to come back to this program in the future, but I think... well... this program is abandoned since years and might not work in modern times. I will check it out during Christmas.


Also, immo, don't take anything I'm writing here totaly serious. I'm totaly drunk. All the time.

Edited by ImTotalyDrunk

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