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ignoring maps and stops running

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Hi Guys

Sometime the bot runs fine for several hours and sometimes it makes 4 runs and then stops in town. I have no idea what could be causing this.

Also my bot is setup to run maps - I have set it up to ignore reflect maps. Bot has 100 maps in stash right now and only one of them is a reflect map. However bot ignores all the maps and go directly to the secondary option; Blood Aqueduct.

in this case bot runs 4 times then idles in town - which is quite annoying.

What can I do?

// J


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Is your stash loading propperly before  the bot change it to the next tab? I have the same issue here... pretty annoing, i think the reason is the server delay to load that @#%@# on...

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6 hours ago, fredsarti said:

Is your stash loading propperly before  the bot change it to the next tab? I have the same issue here... pretty annoing, i think the reason is the server delay to load that @#%@# on...

i agree.

speed of changing tab is too fast.

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If i dump other maps into the map tab the bot will use maps - for some strange reason it is ignoring all the other maps, and no maps is set to be ignored, besides unique maps ofc.
I've tried to slow down the stash tab changing, however it had no effect.

Does any of you guys also have watchstones in your atlas?

Maybe it's because the tiers of the maps have not been updated in ages - to fit the new atlas posibillities - bot simply does not reqognize the maps? Any devs wishes to comment on this?

Edited by Jalockin

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On 7/23/2020 at 7:50 AM, poefan said:

I have found the issue, you need to have maps lvl 1 in the stash...

I have the same problem. Bot start running as soon as I put lvl 1 map in stash and he will run T2 T3 until there's no more T1 in stash.

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