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Use ALT with pickup

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Could the bot use the ALT+click when picking up stuff? Right now the inventory are filled with shit only after a short period of time :)

Looking forward to see the bot being able to pickup uniques and further on of course complete pickit usage...

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Once we ll be done with the major functions the bot will go back in town to sell craps and stach good things so it won t be a problem anymore.

What does holding the Alt key do when you pick up an item?

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Ok, sounds good!

You can by the settings in PoE make that you must press ALT in order to pickup items.

This way you won't by mistake click in items you don't want.

This happened to me all the time until I checked this option.

This should only be positive for the bot to use as well.

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Ok, sounds good!

You can by the settings in PoE make that you must press ALT in order to pickup items.

This way you won't by mistake click in items you don't want.

This happened to me all the time until I checked this option.

This should only be positive for the bot to use as well.

Great idea !!

I'll see how to implement this.

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Great idea !!

I'll see how to implement this.

Hold Alt key 24/7 while moving, release the key while picking-up, hold the key down once you've picked-up.

Dunno if it makes the attack / move different than it is while you don't press this key?

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You only press the Alt button while clicking on an item to pick.

Movement or attack doesn't need the Alt key to be involved.

I have checked the "Key Pickup" in UI settings. Also I'm using "Always Highlight" so I can se the dropped items.

But I think if the bot uses ALT key while picking up items while having Key Pickup checked would make the bot NOT picking up unwanted stuff....

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You only press the Alt button while clicking on an item to pick.

Movement or attack doesn't need the Alt key to be involved.

I have checked the "Key Pickup" in UI settings. Also I'm using "Always Highlight" so I can se the dropped items.

But I think if the bot uses ALT key while picking up items while having Key Pickup checked would make the bot NOT picking up unwanted stuff....


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I also would like to see this feature.

Right now by default in PoE -- you can pickup any item by clicking on it.

In settings, there is an option "only pickup items when highlite key is held down" -- which is by default ALT key.

This lets you click anywhere on the ground, attack mobs, open chests etc even if items are piled on top of it or covering the ground.

Simple fix for the bot is to have a checkbox asking the user "is loot on highlite key enabled?" if the user checks the box, then the bot will always hold down ALT, then left click an item, in order to loot it.

Otherwise, the bot will not have ALT held down -- and will never pickup an item on accident.

Problem solved, easy fix -- just change the loot function to {ALT down} + {LeftClick} then {ALT up}

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that's still nice you can bot for 8 hours without any problem ;)

that mean the bot isn't crashing and all, which is a good point :)

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I disagree on having to push the alt key to pickup items, this way you will allways have to be around to push the button of something drops. you will no longer be able to leave and let the bot do its work

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I disagree on having to push the alt key to pickup items, this way you will allways have to be around to push the button of something drops. you will no longer be able to leave and let the bot do its work

???? if you can tell the bot to make a click with the mouse... you can also tell the bot to make an ALT key press...

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to avoid crap loot use left click only for looting with +alt (like send leftclick+alt only if lootable item is rang below 10) and setup T for the move only button. hope you get what i mean :)

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is it possible to loot with leftclick?

i mean does the client support this?

if yes, this is a nice idea. but the bot should walk directly to the item until he doesnt need to move anymore for looting.


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