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Hey guys i have some questions i hope someone help me out there o/

I gonna buy the exiled bot tomorrow, what i wanted to know is :

1 : Whats the chance to get banned ?
2 : When you got banned they ban all accounts vinculed to your ip ?
3 : Whats the best build atm to farm ? ( i have alot of exalts to spend on a good bot farming ) 
4 : Whats the average currency farming a day ? ( chaos or exalts ) 

Thanks for reading god bless everyone !


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1: 100% its just is a question when they can detect the bot anyway so your best dont bot on main and sell your currency 

2 yes they ban all hwid and ip assciated 

3 normal melee build sunder and such no auramancer or such channel skills.

4. depends on your luck and pickit i would say 10-140 chaos you can make each day 



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