wooztec 1 Report post Posted March 28, 2020 HI, i have problem with maprunner. I want bot to run only on tier 8+ maps I input in config file .ipd: [Rarity] == "Normal" # [RunMap] == "true" [Rarity] == "Magic" # [RunMap] == "true" [Rarity] == "Rare" # [RunMap] == "true" // Map Tier setting [MapTier] <= "8" && [MapTier] >= "66" # [IgnoreMap] == "true" I have a few maps tier 10 in correct stashtab and few tier 3 for test. BOT use tier 3 if that map is on first slot. Why? When i switch to this code: [MapTier] == "1" # [IgnoreMap] == "true" [MapTier] == "2" # [IgnoreMap] == "true" [MapTier] == "3" # [IgnoreMap] == "true" [MapTier] == "4" # [IgnoreMap] == "true" [MapTier] == "5" # [IgnoreMap] == "true" [MapTier] == "6" # [IgnoreMap] == "true" [MapTier] == "7" # [IgnoreMap] == "true" [MapTier] == "8" # [IgnoreMap] == "true" [Rarity] == "Normal" # [RunMap] == "true" [Rarity] == "Magic" # [RunMap] == "true" [Rarity] == "Rare" # [RunMap] == "true" bot doesn't recognize any map and run act map.. I spent a lot of time to solve this but it still occur. Does anyone have any idea what is wrong? I have newest version of bot, dx 9, etc. Everything else working correctly except mapruner. DEFAULT CONFIG DOESN'T WORK Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Laber59 16 Report post Posted March 28, 2020 (edited) Ditch everything, bro and use default map.ipd Change this line to -----------> // Map Tier setting [MapTier] >= "8" && [MapTier] <= "16" # [RunMap] == "true" @edit BTW PoE engine does NOT support dx9 anymore... Edited March 28, 2020 by Laber59 @edit Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wooztec 1 Report post Posted March 28, 2020 It doesn't solve this problem. I replace lines with [MapTier] >= "8" && [MapTier] <= "16" # [RunMap] == "true" in default/ my ipd and Bot still don't take any map (tier3/tier10) and start run act map.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Laber59 16 Report post Posted March 28, 2020 (edited) Picture of map setting tab in bot please Also Dont edit default anymore use vanilla one an then only change few things in copy of default Edited March 28, 2020 by Laber59 gramma Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wooztec 1 Report post Posted March 28, 2020 lastrun.log default2.ipd Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Laber59 16 Report post Posted March 28, 2020 (edited) Enable map upgrading Use default (not modified map.ipd from bot archive) // Map Tier setting [MapTier] >= "8" && [MapTier] <= "16" # [RunMap] == "true" // Map Rarity to Run (Uncommenting means Ignore) [Rarity] == "Unique" # [IgnoreMap] == "true" // [Rarity] == "Rare" # [IgnoreMap] == "true" // [Rarity] == "Magic" # [IgnoreMap] == "true" // [Rarity] == "Normal" # [IgnoreMap] == "true" // If you want to enable automatic quality upgrading // [MapTier] >= "4" && [Quality] <= "16" && [Rarity] == "Normal" # [UpgradeQuality] == "true" // If you want to transmute or alch maps before running them. // [Rarity] == "Normal" # [UpgradeToRare] == "true" [Rarity] == "Normal" # [UpgradeToMagic] == "true" // Map augmentation [Rarity] == "Magic" # [AugmentIfPossible] == "true" @Up if you want maps blue, comment again aug and rarity normal lines, uncomment rare line if you want them gold Change only those few thing of vanilla file (do not copy-paste) You need to have maps in bot map stash And transmutes/augs/alchs in currency one Try this first - If It works than edit further Be gentle with those IPD files - the less you change the better also make sure that client is opened by bot - not by your click on shortcut Edited March 28, 2020 by Laber59 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wooztec 1 Report post Posted March 28, 2020 I've tried everything. Bot still run only act map.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Laber59 16 Report post Posted March 28, 2020 It's configuration Issue for sure Try to set up everything from scratch, re-download bot etc The less you edit the better Change only numbers in ipd file and uncomment/comment unnecessary lines Make sure that bot is opening your game and that all redists are installed, admin privileges for poe and bot Delete poe folder from my documents when You will be doing everything from beginning My bet is You have/are creating syntax error in map file tho... 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RangerRick 16 Report post Posted March 28, 2020 11 minutes ago, Laber59 said: It's configuration Issue for sure Try to set up everything from scratch, re-download bot etc The less you edit the better Change only numbers in ipd file and uncomment/comment unnecessary lines Make sure that bot is opening your game and that all redists are installed, admin privileges for poe and bot Delete poe folder from my documents when You will be doing everything from beginning My bet is You have/are creating syntax error in map file tho... Laber great info! I'm curious, do you have a short list of steps when setting up the bot? I'm not sure on exact placement of files etc, currently i have a folder in my documents folder with the bot folder in that, and i launch the game by hand, and then click start once I'm in town.. if this isn't the preferred method I'd appreciate the correction. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Laber59 16 Report post Posted March 28, 2020 If it's working then its fine lol xD But Once i had problems with the bot and giving him PoE path in Client tab solved It. But it's not about correct path for poe.exe. It was about running bot first and starting It before poe client was open. This way bot is starting poe client by itself and this process solved my issues. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SupZerg 99 Report post Posted March 29, 2020 I bet stash is configured wrong on pickit tab. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wooztec 1 Report post Posted March 29, 2020 5 hours ago, SupZerg said: I bet stash is configured wrong on pickit tab. What is wrong with my pickit tab configuration? I remind you that bot runs maps, when i change lines in map ipd to: [Rarity] == "Normal" # [RunMap] == "true" [Rarity] == "Magic" # [RunMap] == "true" [Rarity] == "Rare" # [RunMap] == "true" but it runs EVERY map in map stash.. I want bot to run only maps tier 8+... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wooztec 1 Report post Posted March 29, 2020 I think BOT can't read now tiers# of the maps, and every conditions with [MapTier] doesn't work. [Rarity] == "Rare" # [RunMap] == "true" [Rarity] == "Magic" # [RunMap] == "true" [Rarity] == "Normal" # [RunMap] == "true" work corectly, but it runs every map in the map stash Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Outside702 0 Report post Posted March 29, 2020 I'm experiencing very similar issues with map tiers that I can't seem to pinpoint. @Laber59 are you currently botting? I'd be interested to know if your maping is working correctly. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Laber59 16 Report post Posted March 30, 2020 (edited) Yup it's all good Y'all having bad config I guess IDK what's wrong but so many ppl cannot configure It properly Just dig in it long enough, tweak, test, try different setups I am busy in PoB hahah ;D Implementing those shiny exes into my HC toon xD Edited March 30, 2020 by Laber59 grammar Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wandemon 0 Report post Posted April 6, 2020 I have same issue. Bot wont do tier 6 maps. If i change the setting for tier 6+ it would only do act. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RangerRick 16 Report post Posted April 15, 2020 On 3/29/2020 at 5:44 PM, Laber59 said: Yup it's all good Y'all having bad config I guess IDK what's wrong but so many ppl cannot configure It properly Just dig in it long enough, tweak, test, try different setups I am busy in PoB hahah ;D Implementing those shiny exes into my HC toon xD If you could post your file that might help, I can confirm I'm having the same issues, I can literally load the default ipd and only change the one line for tier to run and it doesn't work.. change it back to 1 and it runs any maps in there.. I'm feeling like @wooztec might be right and it can't recognize tiers, maybe because each map can be multiple? The file is out of date for sure, I can update it but I'm not sure how. If you can share your file or raw config? This seems like a bug. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Happyguy 0 Report post Posted April 26, 2022 It is 2022 but I am experiencing the same issue, OMG I tried to run Map tier 8 or above using " [MapTier] >= "8" && [MapTier] <= "16" # [RunMap] == "true" " and it didn't work and bot went to Act area. I tried " [Rarity] == "Unique" # [IgnoreMap] == "true" // [Rarity] == "Rare" # [IgnoreMap] == "true" [Rarity] == "Magic" # [IgnoreMap] == "true" [Rarity] == "Normal" # [IgnoreMap] == "true" " and bot ignores all the maps in the stash and goes to Act area. I am speechless. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites