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Hi, best build?

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Hi, im new in poe and doesnt have much time to play and need a “3rd help” ? 

Does the bot lvl up questing by acts? Or just grinding? Or is better to lvl a character myself?

ill start a new character for the bot, wondering what class/build will be better. 


Edited by Kcool

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What do you want from that build in particular (farmer, bosskiller, delver, end-game viable) ?
Is this your only account ?
Standard/ Softcore/ Hardcore ?

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Will be a farmer, not endgame but close to, softcore, 2nd acc and a budged one, im very new tho ?

Edited by Kcool

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9 hours ago, Kcool said:

Hi, im new in poe and doesnt have much time to play and need a “3rd help” ? 

Does the bot lvl up questing by acts? Or just grinding? Or is better to lvl a character myself?

ill start a new character for the bot, wondering what class/build will be better. 


I don't think progression works, or at least that's what I read but I haven't tried it. I think most people do the questing themselves and let the bot farm zones when they need levels, until you get to act 8 or 9 and can do HB/BA.


For builds anything non channeling apparently, aka no cyclone. I'm going to try a freezing pulse hierophant totem build, and maybe something else, I'd like to mess around with rangers and or a melee as well, I'm looking for builds I can easily convert into late game map farmers but I'm very new to this.

Edited by RangerRick

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4 hours ago, Kcool said:

Will be a farmer, not endgame but close to, softcore, 2nd acc and a budged one, im very new tho ?

Go for Tornado Shot Deadeye build than, its squishy but who cares about It in SC :D
Super-fast currency farmer, only one spell, shitty bossing and leveling, later on u can reinvest few orbs and go MF option with Goldwryms, Bisco, Sadimas, Ventor's and Windripper.
U will be farming low tier maps very efficient.
Those are uniques with increased item quantity from slained mobs.
Only hard part will be setting it up (I hate leveling bow builds) after than enjoy stream of orbs :)
Or U can go whatever else because its softcore anyway :D

Edited by Laber59
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