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Hey, my name is Saik and I'm not new to botting overall.

I did quite a lot of things in FFXIV (From just letting bots run to earn some money to providing useful plugins to the community) and I'm interested in PoE Botting since the game just grows more and more. However I do have some questions.

Does this bot provide a trial? Preferably 24-ish hours? I'd like to see it in action.
Is leveling (Act 1-10) supported?
Are maps supported and does the bot evaluate what maps to run (or is there a fixed list of maps I setup) ?
Is there a way to add features to the bot or is the bot completely closed-source? (The FFXIV Bot I used provided more of an interface to use functions (movement, skills, ui interaction) and provide information (position, enemies, inventory ect) and anything else was open-source/easily modifyable.

Can we run multiple clients at once easily on the same network as our (manually played) main or is that too risky? (Or: Would you use a VPN in that case? I know about limited user)

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dont buy it...

its software from 2013 updated in 2016, doesnt support any of the recent league mechanics and is just updated to work in maps. (doesnt even click sulphite)

Lots of skill arent even implemented ... Totem builds dont work. Summoner builds have issues. cyclone doesnt work,  only certain melee builds are supposed to work. bot doesnt avoid any spells or lava. bot has problems with doors. bot has problems when the map is split by a portal. bot doesnt complete the atlas by itself

You have to level the bot by hand. Dont expect any help in the forum or on slack, i suggest u check out all forums and see for yourself. (sometimes spamposts arent deleted for days, currently there is one up for 12 hours)

if u want to save time and let the bot farm xp for you, it is useless since the level progression is bugged (its so bad in act 3 it runs ping pongs at a spot IN TOWN so there is e a good chance you are reported) you spend hours lvling and completing the atlas and have a chance being banned... 

if u want to make currency buy a tradebot or invest time learning how to make currency with trading. it took me 2 weeks to get the bot running. now that i have more knowledge about the game i dont use the bot anymore. 

Edited by zerger3

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Let's also add that the most recent files released here had a trojan. Don't leave that out. I'm pissed and support is horrendous here. If I hadn't subscribed for the month I wouldnt even be bothering with it.

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I can totally see how anybody would say things like "totem skills do not work" etc. The thing is, it requires some specific setup and conditions. This software is not mainstream where you buy a software package (like microsoft office), install it and you're ready to go.

I started using this yesterday, even though i read alot of bad comments about it (does not work, need refund etc).

If you spend some time reading up on the guides, you get a general idea of how to configure it. Heck, there is even a short video of how to configure it (in it's basic form)

Also, the bot is not specifically made for levelling. It is meant for mapping and zone farming. It does however have some neat levelling implemented, but it is not the core feature of the bot. You will need to babysit it.

In short, if you have zero motivation to do your own due diligence, and expect a working "out of the box" product, this is not for you.

Kudus to alk, this game is extremely complex, and any bot that works with it, is truly amazing.

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