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Please update timeless currency item

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Please update timeless currency item

Timeless Karui Splinter
Timeless Maraketh Splinter
Timeless Eternal Empire Splinter
Timeless Templar Splinter
Timeless Vaal Splinter


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Here's an example of how to do it in your pickit 

//                                                                                 //
//                                  CURRENCY                                       //
//                                                                                 //

// Shards
[Type] == "Alchemy Shard" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Alteration Shard" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Scroll Fragment" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Transmutation Shard" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Timeless Eternal Empire Splinter" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Timeless Karui Splinter" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Timeless Templar Splinter" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Timeless Vaal Splinter" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Timeless Maraketh Splinter" # [StashItem] == "true"

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