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Bot launches game but does nothing else

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hello i donated for the bot today and after following the bot setup video/guide on the home page. the only this this bot does for me is launch POE and then does nothing but sit at the login page. 

idk if ive done somthing wrong or there is an error due to a update somwhere...i and using the latest version of Exile-bot.

thanks for the replys


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Thanks for the reply.

okay so i have done this and the bot now has taken a step further.

so what happens now is the game crashes will errors if i use the bot to launch POE but if i open poe first in the correct resolution, the bot moves the window to the left of my screen and resizes the window to somthing like 1100x800 which makes the bot click on create account not log in


Edited by Epexin

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Did you try to change resolution in " production_Config" at you're PoE game ?  I think you use DX9 but still.




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Yes ive tried that and ingame. the bot still resizes the window out of the 800x600 and spam clicks on create account. not sure why.

i also now cant launch the game on its own it just crashes( got path to run again)

bot still resizing and spaming create account please help..

Edited by Epexin

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Just try to manual change settings at "production_Config". You can find that file under User/.../Documents/My Games/Path of Exile/. In that file you can see you're game settings.


dynamic_resolution for game is off or on ? 


Best Regards




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On. Few month ago I have same problem as you wrote here. But I don't remember what I change than. I think it was some graphic option and I also change program which I used to pin bot. Mybe is that. 


Mybe you try to use different program to pin bot.

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