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Chaos Recipe picks up every rare

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I'm using the default pickit with chaos recipe enabled (and the other two rare checkboxes disabled). The bot picks up every single rare item, and sells most of them. This is a huge waste of time. Is there any way to make the bot only pick up the items it actually needs for the chaos recipe?

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The chaos recipe doesn't work based on pickit. The reason the bot is picking up everything is that it is set that way in your IPD pickit file  (I assume you did not read it at all).

Open that file (the one you are using) and look for this value "10000", the rest you will figure out, as its written there.

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I found that eventually. I did read (and modify) it before posting. It's shitty design to have a checkbox that does nothing by default, with the reason hidden halfway into a text file thousands of lines long.

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