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Still havent gotten word back yet if autofollow has been added

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Has autofollow been added yet?

For example. I want to play my main character while the bots auto follow me and use their skills to kill enemies and auto pot as well. Also auto grabbing xxx loot like any normal bot would.

 Basically  want the ability to have a party. 

Much like the old redvex diablo 2 bots where you could have an alt follow you around and had a text file where you setup the skills they use and when to use them etc..

Could also set follow distance with that text files as well

 So once main character moves to a certain distance away the bots would auto click to follow closer. Also having a range to attack enemies once within that distance.

I'm willing to bet most of that code from redvex could be applied for this bot if the dev's are willing to add that into the bot.

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