Counterparts89 0 Report post Posted November 14, 2013 Hello people! This looks like a nice community !! As You probably know, since it is the Forum part for it, I am new. I am New to using Exiled-Bot, and I wondered if some awesome people could give me some tutorials or Scripts for my Marauder. I want to have something as '' Human '' as possible, for Farming a couple of Hours. Anything I should know? My Marauder is 2H Maces/Axes (going to go full Axes later on.) My main Skills are Infernal Blow linked with Melee Splash and Multistrike. I probably ask alot, but I'm going to get on beat once I know how to properly use it, taking a look on Scripts, maybe? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
¡noʎ‾ʞɔnɟ 0 Report post Posted November 14, 2013 yes Share this post Link to post Share on other sites