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[solved] bot do nothing after launch

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hello, folks. My problem is how to force bot do something after starting it. me using win10x64 without any antivirus software. DirectX and Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable installed. i am sure me launching both software above admin rights (PoE DirectX9@800x600/default input keys).

So, after pressed "Start Bot" nothing happened at all no matter hide or normal mode.

Below are some log files info:


2018-10-15 18:01:21 [info] -> Bot started
2018-10-15 18:01:21 [info] -> alerts.ini file loaded from C:\amd drivers\Configuration\default\alerts.ini
2018-10-15 18:01:21 [info] -> config.ini file loaded from C:\amd drivers\Configuration\default\config.ini
2018-10-15 18:01:21 [info] -> coordinates.ini file loaded from C:\amd drivers\Configuration\default\coordinates.ini
2018-10-15 18:01:21 [info] -> flasks.ini file loaded from C:\amd drivers\Configuration\default\flasks.ini
2018-10-15 18:01:21 [info] -> pickit.ini file loaded from C:\amd drivers\Configuration\default\pickit.ini
2018-10-15 18:01:21 [info] -> skills.ini file loaded from C:\amd drivers\Configuration\default\skills.ini
2018-10-15 18:01:21 [info] -> system.ini file loaded from C:\amd drivers\Configuration\default\system.ini
2018-10-15 18:01:21 [info] -> game.ini file loaded from C:\Users\dfltusr0\Documents\My Games\Path of Exile\production_Config.ini
2018-10-15 18:01:22 [info] -> Running state priority: 35
2018-10-15 18:01:24 [info] -> Selecting character..
2018-10-15 18:01:31 [info] -> Running state priority: 35
2018-10-15 18:01:33 [info] -> Selecting character..
2018-10-15 18:01:39 [info] -> Running state priority: 35
2018-10-15 18:01:41 [info] -> Selecting character..
2018-10-15 18:01:48 [info] -> Running state priority: 35
2018-10-15 18:01:50 [info] -> Selecting character..
2018-10-15 18:01:57 [info] -> Running state priority: 35
2018-10-15 18:01:59 [info] -> Selecting character..
2018-10-15 18:02:05 [info] -> Running state priority: 35
2018-10-15 18:02:07 [info] -> Selecting character..

Edited by rkoss

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thanks to everyone with current version it starts do more than something  :)

it routed to desired location, killed some mobs but stuck on trying to pick up "scroll of wisdom". it seems me should check pickit or ingame loot settings.

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1 hour ago, gotten said:

after i start bot nothing happen.

I got the same problem.

did you check above solution provided by community? 

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39 minutes ago, gotten said:

When i start the bot it dosent move at all.

Which version of the bot are you using?

Have you set the game renderer to DirectX 9? Is the resolution set to 800x600?

A snippet of your "rastrun.log" file would really help speed up the process of adressing your issue.

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50 minutes ago, B3L1AN said:

Which version of the bot are you using?

Have you set the game renderer to DirectX 9? Is the resolution set to 800x600?

A snippet of your "rastrun.log" file would really help speed up the process of adressing your issue.

Here is my lastrun

2018-10-15 07:49:16 [info] -> Bot started
2018-10-15 07:49:16 [info] -> alerts.ini file loaded from C:\Users\Bot\Desktop\1\Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.76f\Exiled Bot Beta v0.76f\Configuration\1\alerts.ini
2018-10-15 07:49:16 [info] -> config.ini file loaded from C:\Users\Bot\Desktop\1\Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.76f\Exiled Bot Beta v0.76f\Configuration\1\config.ini
2018-10-15 07:49:16 [info] -> coordinates.ini file loaded from C:\Users\Bot\Desktop\1\Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.76f\Exiled Bot Beta v0.76f\Configuration\1\coordinates.ini
2018-10-15 07:49:16 [info] -> flasks.ini file loaded from C:\Users\Bot\Desktop\1\Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.76f\Exiled Bot Beta v0.76f\Configuration\1\flasks.ini
2018-10-15 07:49:16 [info] -> pickit.ini file loaded from C:\Users\Bot\Desktop\1\Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.76f\Exiled Bot Beta v0.76f\Configuration\1\pickit.ini
2018-10-15 07:49:16 [info] -> skills.ini file loaded from C:\Users\Bot\Desktop\1\Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.76f\Exiled Bot Beta v0.76f\Configuration\1\skills.ini
2018-10-15 07:49:16 [info] -> system.ini file loaded from C:\Users\Bot\Desktop\1\Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.76f\Exiled Bot Beta v0.76f\Configuration\1\system.ini
2018-10-15 07:49:16 [info] -> game.ini file loaded from C:\Users\Bot\Documents\My Games\Path of Exile\production_Config.ini
2018-10-15 07:49:17 [info] -> Running state priority: 35
2018-10-15 07:49:19 [info] -> Selecting character..
2018-10-15 07:49:24 [info] -> Running state priority: 35
2018-10-15 07:49:26 [info] -> Selecting character..
2018-10-15 07:49:32 [info] -> Running state priority: 35
2018-10-15 07:49:34 [info] -> Selecting character..
2018-10-15 07:49:40 [info] -> Running state priority: 35
2018-10-15 07:49:42 [info] -> Selecting character..
2018-10-15 07:49:47 [info] -> Running state priority: 35
2018-10-15 07:49:49 [info] -> Selecting character..
2018-10-15 07:49:55 [info] -> Running state priority: 35
2018-10-15 07:49:57 [info] -> Selecting character..
2018-10-15 07:50:02 [info] -> Running state priority: 35
2018-10-15 07:50:04 [info] -> Selecting character..
2018-10-15 07:50:10 [info] -> Running state priority: 35
2018-10-15 07:50:12 [info] -> Selecting character..
2018-10-15 07:50:17 [info] -> Running state priority: 35
2018-10-15 07:50:19 [info] -> Selecting character..
2018-10-15 07:50:25 [info] -> Running state priority: 35
2018-10-15 07:50:27 [info] -> Selecting character..
2018-10-15 07:50:33 [info] -> Running state priority: 35
2018-10-15 07:50:35 [info] -> Selecting character..
2018-10-15 07:50:40 [info] -> Running state priority: 35
2018-10-15 07:50:42 [info] -> Selecting character..
2018-10-15 07:50:48 [info] -> Running state priority: 35
2018-10-15 07:50:50 [info] -> Selecting character..
2018-10-15 07:50:55 [info] -> Running state priority: 35
2018-10-15 07:50:57 [info] -> Selecting character..

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Please make sure you're running PoE with DirectX 9 as the renderer. As you're using the most current version of the bot & given the log you provided, it seems likely PoE is using DX11.

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5 minutes ago, B3L1AN said:

Please make sure you're running PoE with DirectX 9 as the renderer. As you're using the most current version of the bot & given the log you provided, it seems likely PoE is using DX11.

Im using the latest ver. of bot.

800*600 resolution

and dx9

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And you're getting this behavior while being logged in to the game completely/ingame? Or on the character selection screen? If it's the latter, make sure the "character slot" setting matches the character you wish to bot.

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1. it never log in

2. it doesn't select a character 1 as i set

3. i tried to change the values of the range character i create as skill right mouse at 150 but after that didnt even tried to hit a mob

4 after that the bot didnt even logged.


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Just to rule out these possible errors:

1) have you installed https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?DisplayLang=en&id=35 ?
2) and this? https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=5555 ?
3) Is your game client running in English?
4) Are you running the "normal" version of the game, so non-steam, non-Garena?
5) Are you running the bot as admin?

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3 minutes ago, B3L1AN said:

Just to rule out these possible errors:

1) have you installed https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?DisplayLang=en&id=35 ?
2) and this? https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=5555 ?
3) Is your game client running in English?
4) Are you running the "normal" version of the game, so non-steam, non-Garena?
5) Are you running the bot as admin?

Yes i do all the above :(

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The bot not logging in though having provided login details in the "Client" tab is strange.

That's beyond my knowledge of troubleshooting the bot, unfortunately.

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