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If this is going to be a paid to play bot there needs to be some sort of help mine does NOTHING. There is no support really there is nothing to help, this is insane ive watched and read everything i can to try and figure this out and nothing has helped.....




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No point in opening multiple threads, as I said in your last thread do not expect much help here, you gotta handle it on your own..

Open the log file and look what it says there? When you see something like running priority list you can check it here >>>>>https://www.exiled-bot.net/community/index.php?/topic/9583-running-state-priority-list/    <<<<<< to see which number is what and at least get a grasp of the problem

Post here when you see what seems to be the problem and if running as administrator did not help.. Also you did not answer to my question if you are using poe as a limited user, or better said running BOT as admin and POE as another user with restricted access. Are you running the correct version of the bot? dx9? 800x600?

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