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no earthly idea how to get this running

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was hoping someone could help me out. I used exilebuddy before and it was so so so so simple

I have the bot running, hiding in steam. i pointed it to my steam path, think i told it what skills were what with move being left mouse. set the resolution in the readme, along with the other options, like dx9, reset to default keys. I tell it to farm act 6 twilight strand, and it just walks up and right every few seconds.

idk if maybe it's freaking out cause i have my main skill set to smite and it doesn't understand herald of purity?

can anyone point me in the right direction?

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Walking to the top right corner usually indicates that the bot needs updated offsets. While working fine on the non-steam version, the steam version might have had yet another update.

For now, all you can do is wait for the offsets to be updated.

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