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Bot doesn't launch

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Using latest version ( v0.75h)

DirectX End-User Runtimes (June 2010) and Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86) installed.

When I run bot, window to  "attach  or run in standard mode" appears. When I pick any of it nothing appears (proccess still running in task manager)


I'm using windows 7 (vmware)

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The game was just updated, the offsets will need to be updated in the bot and a new release issued. This usually takes them 24-48 hours. Just wait for new release.


Your issue sounds different, sounds like youre missing required packages. Redownload them all and install again. Was it working before this or is it your first time?

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If you select one of those programs and then close the bot, it will not work selecting that same program again until you restart your computer. If you've opened and closed the bot with all the programs on that list, you wont be able to launch the bot until you restart your computer. I haven't figured out another method yet, though I haven't really tried either. Perhaps restarting those processes in the task manager would do it. I've never opened it in standard mode though so if that doesn't work either I'm not sure the implications.

Edited by fuckup420

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