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bot ONLY goes to prisoner's gates

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No matter what I change the bot only goes to the prisoner's gates. I can pick mapping and it still will go to the prisoner's gates. If I don't go to the town way point, the bot opens up the way points clicks for the blood aqueduct (Which i selected) and then proceeds to go to act 1 every single time. I've downloaded everything. I have used your bot before, it has never given me these problems. I recently reset my computer but have downloaded Everything C++ 2010, direct x, all the stuff on forums. I'm confused on how to fix this, could someone help me?


Bot Version: 0.75g
Poe Version: Vanilla
Hideout on: Yes
Zana in HO: no
Map Enabled: no
Selected Zone: the blood aqueduct, act 9
Smart Pickit: Yes

No lines, nothing was processed.

Edited by austboss125

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