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How-To Exiled bot [AIO] A [0-100] botting guide 0 = Washed up on Twilight Strand 100 = Farming BA with Chaos Recipe and to maps Content: PoE is a very in-depth game and the same can be said about this bot. It's not copy-paste-go like other game bots. It will require learning and understanding. That's where this guide comes in, here you'll find how to set up, run, and configure the bot. Along with what settings do and what you can expect from them with example values. Leveling guide for getting to BA/Maps quickly. I'll be updating the guide with builds and settings for those builds. There are also GitHub links to .ipd and configs I use. I'll be trying to keep those updated as well but most changes/projects get implemented into default. Allows for auto-update. Dropdown menus to guides [Click the ▶ ] Initial Exiled bot setup - First start and obfuscation [Do before botting] Initial Exiled bot requirements and settings setup: Install PoE. Supported versions: Normal - From GGG Website Steam version Garena Not supported: Epic Download latest Exile bot [You'll be moving this file in below guide] see: Official Exiled Bot Releases Forum/Exiled Bot Download Page For Garena TW users, see: Garena TW Users Pre-Reqs to run bot: You need to install DirectX End-User Runtime. You can download it here: DirectX End-User Runtime You need to install Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable Package (x64). You can download it here: Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable Package (x64) Required settings: The bot needs to be run under administrator privileges. You can not run PoE in the "Limited user mode" that's going around for programs that don't know how to obfuscate properly. Decent computer or VM settings if using VM Be sure that the keys bound are the default one in-game. The game must be run in x64 or the bot won't work. Game in 800x600 resolution windowed The "Close all panels" key needs to be bound on SPACE (default). Enable the "use Highlight Key" Pickup option. Disable the "Always Highlight" (Options/UI), to avoid the bot getting stuck. Don't use loot filter, unless customized to show all items bot will pick up [github links @ bottom of guide for lootfilters for bot to lessen WALLOFLOOT] "Move Only" skill is bound to mouse left click. For gem leveling work, you need to disable the "Quest Tracking" (Options/UI). [Has been resolved to in my testing] I'd also try to set the in-game setting under [UI] + [Confine Mouse to Window] to true = ✓ Hotkeys: F12 - Pause and unpause the bot F11 - You can reload your .ini file during runtime The setup: Your Exiledbot folder - After downloading put Exiltedbot somewhere NOT where POE is installed [If you have multiple drives or a USB/external harddrive = perfect] If you plan on using TCP drop Right Click cports.exe and make sure it's run as admin: Run Exiledbot (make sure as admin) and attach to a program (I use notepad) You can use any !simple! program like notepad is. Just make sure that it is not a System-Process, Discord.exe or similar. 64bit processes only. If it doesn't show up, then your chosen process may not be compatible. Choose another one! You can double-check with starting non-attached once to make sure that it is not your system directly. Also not having the required DirectX End-User Runtime will cause this issue. Done and close program Your ExileBot folder now [Bot and its .dll will have random names now, you can rename but don't make it obvious..] That's the end of the Initial setup, We'll move to the next sections. Readme: DISCLAIMER Be aware that using this bot is against the user-term agreement that you made with GGG to play this game and it may lead your account to be banned. HOW TO USE First of all, for some obvious reasons, DO NOT USE IT ON YOUR MAIN ACCOUNT NOR ON HARDCORE CHARACTER!! BE CAREFUL !! Botting more than 8h per day will most probably get you banned. If you want to feel safe, do short botting sessions and never bot longer than 4h on same account / mac address / ip. IMPORTANT : You need to install DirectX End-User Runtime. You can download it here : IMPORTANT : You need to install Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable Package (x64). You can download it here : IMPORTANT : THE GAME MUST BE RUNNING IN ENGLISH, THIS IS THE ONLY LANGUAGE SUPPORTED BY THE BOT !! IMPORTANT : Bot needs to be run under administrator priviledges. IMPORTANT : Running the bot under ~30 fps will produce various issues including missed clicks. IMPORTANT : Be sure that the keys bound are the default one in game. IMPORTANT : Game must be runned in x64 or the bot won't work. If you are experiencing issue with auth server disconnections, it may be due to the use of VPN, you should make a rule to ignore proxy for the bot exe. 1) Run the bot in admin mode. 2) Once bot is attached and GUI pop, configure parameters. You can check config.ini, skills.ini and pickit.ini files for more infos, everything is pretty self-explenatory or you can read the comments when it's not. 3) You don't understand how something works? Hover your mouse over it and you'll get some informations! 4) Launch the game. 5) IMPORTANT : Put the game in 800x600 resolution windowed. 6) IMPORTANT : "Close all panels" key needs to be bound on SPACE (default). 7) To make the gem leveling work, you need to disable the "Quest Tracking" (Options/UI). 8) To avoid picking thrash items, you should enable the "Key Pickup" option. Disable the "Always Highlight" (Options/UI), to avoid bot getting stucked. 9) Be sure that "Move Only" skill is bound to mouse left click. 10) Start the bot, it should log and enter in the specified zone. 11) Have fun =) 12) Pause and unpause the bot by pressing F12 13) You can reload your ini file during runtime as well by pressing F11 For Garena TW users, see : Official Site : Official Forum : Lastest Release : Ban Protection Outdated Thread but info here: @hatshacker's [ Botting Guide for running a hidden, secure bot army ]. Ban protection: The program is not detected. Botting behavior is. Never bot on main.. Never bot 24/7 - You can get away with some botting type hours @ league starts thus leveling and getting to a good point as fast as possible is ? [See next line and guide for info] You can not run PoE in the "Limited user mode" that's going around for programs that don't know how to obfuscate properly. Level manually - Do not level with botting random act zones. This hasn't been commonplace in the game for years. So looks very weird, we are trying to avoid sticking out. Use your hideout setting under maps settings - Remember the Chinese bots running through town? Yeah, don't be that dumb. Using a VPN is possible, especially when trading to your main account for different IP's but not necessary. Trade every now and then, liquidate some currency. Don't try converting a full inventory of low currency [alt, fusing, ...] to ex/chaos until later in the league. Use the Idle settings include in the bot [Put in x to x minutes you'd like to idle in the top box - the bottom box is how long box will wait until next idle [including the last idle time] Most listed is just common sense and humanly as possible behavior. Transferring to your main account is a little risky But if you've been doing random trades with other people As well as not just dumping currency without trading anything back from your main account. It's safe Strat: Go to Metamorph[Tane's Lab]/Menagerie/Delve area[Mine Encampment], you can drop currency on the ground, and pick it up on your main. No trade req. Leveling getting ready to start bot - [ Act 1-9 for Blood Aqueducts + 9-10 for Mapping ] Leveling getting ready to start botting: The bot includes features for leveling, like progression. It works for Act 1-4 but not Act 5-10 has it was made before changes were made to the story/act's [thank god we don't have to do 1-5 3x now.] But avoid progression feature. No normal player farms Act zones anymore and are considered the tutorial of the actual game. We will not use the progression, This will be ALL manual. We want to do this fast. Quicker to farming currency/map the better especially at league start where you can make the most of things. A great website to use to track progression: PoE Leveling App This guide will include these steps for fast progressing through Acts and all skill point quest + ascendancy trails. Act 1: Tips: There's a crafting recipe after Brutus, but it is not worth picking up Look for 3-link wands at vendor and +1 skill gem type you are using Look for movement speed boots at vendor by using the search function, searching 'nn' Pick up all small blues to vendor for alteration shards Wait until level ~10-12 for league mechanics Don't use chest armor, chest armor slow your movement speed Tri-color tri-link gives you a chromatic orb when sold to vendor It is worth killing blue mobs groups early, but not rare mobs as they give little value compared to the time it takes to kill Frostblink is better than dash in many cases because it does damage Freeing Navali gives you access to prophecies On the beach (The Twilight Strand) kill first mob ⟶ to Hillock The Coast don't kill anything ⟶ to Mud flats (don't forget the Waypoint) Mud flats get the 3xGlyphs then ⟶ The Submerged Passage The Submerged Passage get Waypoint, take Waypoint back to The Coast ⟶ The Tidal Island The Tidal Island kill Hailrake get Medicine Chest, Town Portal to go back to town Turn in quests then Waypoint to The Submerged Passage The Submerged Passage look for long staircase or bridge Leave Town Portal at staircase or bridge ⟶ The Ledge The Ledge, Waypoint to town, use Town Portal you left at the staircase or bridge Go right of staircase for The Flooded depths Find and kill The Deep Dweller then log out Waypoint to The Ledge ⟶ The Climb The Climb (3 stalagmites side of waypoint points to exit) you don't really need the Waypoint, killing The Faun to free Navali ⟶ The Lower Prison The Lower Prison take Waypoint , do trial on first level ⟶ The Lower Prison ⟶ The Upper Prison kill Brutus, log out Waypoint to Prisoner's Gate ⟶ The Ship Graveyard ⟶ The Ship Graveyard Cave and leave a Town Portal in front Find The Cavern of Wrath Waypoint to town turn in quest to get skill gem, then take your Town Portal (just entering the The Cavern of Wrath completes the quest) Enter The Ship Graveyard Cave get the AllFlame and log out Waypoint to The Ship Graveyard then find and kill Fairgraves, log out Waypoint The Cavern of Wrath ⟶ kill Merveil ⟶ Act 2 Act 1 Act 2: Tips: Still better not to use chest armor Look for movement speed boots at vendor by using the search function, searching 'nn' Doing Einhar's quest gives you a chance to beast craft a unique (because of the smaller pool of unique items to choose from, you have a higher chance to get a Tabula) You can start doing the league mechanic now It is worth going back to Act 1 sometimes, to check vendors at beginning of Act 2 If you check vendors in Act 1, [Waypoint] back to Act 2 town, so when you log out you are saved in Act 2 not 1 You can vendor Armourer's Scrap for Scrolls of Identification The Southern forest ⟶ town In town, head North East to The Old fields find and leave a Town Portal outside The Den then ⟶ The Crossroads The Crossroads ⟶ Waypoint to town and take the Town Portal you left outside The Den Go in The Den and Kill The Great White Beast then log out Waypoint to The Crossroads ⟶ North to The Chamber of Sins In The Chamber of Sins, get the Waypoint, the waypoint points in direction of the next level The Chamber of Sins level 2 do the trial it is most likely north Find the long hallway, kill Fidelitas get the Baleful Gem then log out Get Herald reward if no herald good for your build get Summon Skitter Bots, check vendors Waypoint to The Crossroads ⟶ South to The Fellshrine Ruins Find The Crypt, The Crypt loops around ⟶ trial then log out The Riverways do Einhar's quest, get red beast ⟶ The Western Forest The Western Forest get the Waypoint (Alira is always the same side oft he road than Waypoint and The Weaver's Chamber on opposite side) Find and ⟶ The Weaver's Chamber and kill The weaver then log out Get Support Gem reward and use Waypoint to The Crossroads go north to The Broken Bridge, follow path , try find red beast if you didn't do it earlier Kill Kraitlin log out then back in , go to The Riverways , follow path north ⟶ The Wetlands The Wetlands kill Oak and get the Waypoint just north, Waypoint to The Western Forest and help Allira Then find the path, follow it to Arteri, kill him and get the Thaumetic Emblem, log out Waypoint to Act 1 get passive point reward and check vendor, Waypoint back to Act 2 town then The Wetlands ⟶ The Vaal ruins The Vaal ruins ⟶ The Northern Forest ⟶ The caverns find and Waypoint to town vendor and check vendors Waypoint The caverns ⟶ find The Ancient Pyramid and kill Vaal Oversoul (dont forget crafting) Log out, vendor then Waypoint to Act 3 Act 2 Act 3: Tips: No need to go back to Act 1 or 2 now Start looking from vendors and ground for 4-link chests for lvl 31 Pick up rares and sell them for Orb of Transmutation shards Worth doing vaal side areas for vaal gems Go north help Clarissa dont forget to wait for her In town ⟶ The Slums ⟶ The Crematorium, Waypoint to menagerie for unique Waypoint The Crematorium trial kill Piety pick up Tolman's Bracelet log out get rewards check vendor Talk to Clarissa for Sewer Keys, run back to The Slums ⟶ The Sewers Get Waypoint and 3xPlatinum ⟶ The Marketplace The Catacombs do trial log out Waypoint The Marketplace ⟶ The Battlefront normally opposite of The Catacombs The Battlefront get Waypoint and The Ribbon Spool ⟶ The Docks (if level 23 or less ⟶ The Solaris Temple ) Get Thaumetic Sulphite log out, turn in quests check vendors Waypoint The Battlefront north ⟶ The Solaris Temple get Waypoint ⟶ The Solaris Temple level 2 turn in The Ribbon Spool Waypoint The Sewers get Crafting ⟶ The Ebony Barracks Kill General Gravicius (very rippy) ⟶ The Lunaris Temple The Lunaris Temple dont kill Kole get Waypoint ⟶ The Lunaris Temple level 2 The Lunaris Temple level 2 look for easy skips, Paths 1 cart = right way, 2 carts = wrong way to avoid dying to Tentacle Miscreation keep moving Kill Piety get Crafting and log out Turn in quests Waypoint The Ebony Barracks ⟶ The Imperial Gardens The Imperial Gardens get Waypoint north ⟶ The Library , get Waypoint ⟶ Loose Candle ⟶ The Archives Get 4xGolden Pages log out, Waypoint to The Library get missing skill gems Waypoint The Imperial Gardens do trial get Crafting, Town Portal to town get Waypoint Aspirant's plaza Waypoint The Imperial Gardens ⟶ The Sceptre of God ⟶ The Upper Sceptre of God kill Dominus The Upper Sceptre of God ⟶ The Aqueduct Act 3 Act 4: Tips: Don't farm tabula in aqueducts Aim for 60%+ all Elemental Resistances, use the crafting bench (Orb of Transmutations) Watch for items with 2 or + Elemental Resistances types Get Delve nodes but don't do delve until later The Aqueduct ⟶ Town ⟶ The Dried Lake The Dried Lake kill Voll, Emperor of Purity, get Crafting , if underleveled (27-28) keep clearing Town Portal check vendors ⟶ The Mines ⟶ The Mines level 2 ⟶ Deshret's spirit ⟶ The Crystal Veins The Crystal Veins get Waypoint and Crafting Waypoint town get passive point then Waypoint to Aspirant's plaza Ascend ⟶ Waypoint to The Crystal Veins Daresso's Dream ⟶ The Grand Arena get Waypoint ⟶ Waypoint to The Crystal Veins Kaom's Dream ⟶ Kaom's Stronghold kill King Kaom get The Eye of Fury Town Portal vendor Waypoint to The Grand Arena ⟶ Kill Daresso, King of Swords, Waypoint to The Crystal Veins Turn in quests ⟶ The Belly of the Beast ⟶ The Belly of the Beast level 2 ⟶ Kill Piety The Belly of the Beast level 2 kill Piety (don't get hit by beam) ⟶ The Harvest The Harvest get Waypoint Kill Doedre Darktongue get Malachai's Lungs Kill Maligaro, The Inquisitor get Malachai's Heart Kill Shavronne of Umbra get Malachai's Entrails Turn in quests to Piety ⟶ Kill Malachai, The Nightmare Town Portal Check vendors for 4-links, turn in quests ⟶ The Ascent The Ascent ⟶ get Crafting in The Ascent, pull the lever next to The Resonator Act 4 Act 5: Tips: Granite flask is very good early Pick up all small rare items (4 slots less) for Transmutation Shards Level gems when loading into zones Only do vaal side areas if you don't have vaal skill you want The Slave Pens ⟶ kill Overseer Krow Go to town ⟶ talk to Lani free ring The Control Blocks ⟶ Get the Miasmeter ⟶ Kill Justicar Casticus ⟶ Oriath Square Oriath Square ⟶ The Templar Courts get Waypoint ⟶ The Chamber of Innocence Kill High Templar Avarius (Summon 10 packs each phase) avoid lasers Go out take Waypoint to town, talk to Bannon for Jewel and Flask (Silver is best) Waypoint back to The Chamber of Innocence ⟶ The Torched Courts ⟶ The Ruined Square The Ruined Square ⟶ get Waypoint then go to The Ossuary Get Sign of Purity and Crafting Town Portal town and vendor Waypoint to The Ruined Square ⟶ South for The Reliquary Get 3xKitava's Torments check 4 corners of map Town Portal town, turn in quest Waypoint to The Ruined Square ⟶ The Cathedral Rooftop ⟶ kill Kitava, the Insatiable Act 5 Act 6: Tips: Try to be resist capped (75%) by crafting in Hideout If skills permit use rarety on kill support gem for better loot Clear The Twilight Strand Town Portal town Vendor, buy missing gems ⟶ The Coast The Coast ⟶ Waypoint skip side quest ⟶ The Mud Flats Kill The Dishonoured Queen for Eye of Conquest then go West ⟶ Karui Fortifications Karui Fortifications ⟶ The Karui Fortress kill Tukohama, Karui God of War ⟶ Karui Fortifications Karui Fortifications ⟶ The Ridge ⟶ The Lower Prison The Lower Prison get Waypoint do trial ⟶ Shavronne's Tower Shavronne's Tower ⟶ Go up all stairs ⟶ kill Shavronne the Returned and Reassembled Brutus Go to the Warden's Chamber, get Crafting ⟶ Prisoner's Gate (not worth killing Abberath, the Cloven One now) ⟶ The Western Forest (follow the road) The Western Forest get Waypoint ⟶ The Riverways The Riverways get Waypoint ⟶ The Wetlands The Wetlands ⟶ The Spawning Ground, kill Ryslatha, the Puppet Mistress Town Portal to town, vendor place items into currency tab , turn in quests for 4-link helm Waypoint to The Riverways ⟶ The Southern Forest get Waypoint The Southern Forest ⟶ The Cavern of Anger (ignore betrayal) ⟶ The Beacon The Beacon get Waypoint get Crafting, do the pillar event Click switch and the beacon, then run opposite direction, Weylam will instantly appear Talk to weylam go to The Brine King's Reef ⟶ kill The Brine King (if lazy or low on cold resist make portal to avoid lightning stage) Act 6 Act 7: Tips: Get granite flask Beast worth doing Keep enduring flasks ( worth 3-4 chaos beginning league) LvL 50 start doing vaal areas again The Broken Bridge ⟶ get Silver Locket for flask ⟶ The Crossroads (don't forget beasts) The Crossroads Waypoint to town, do menagerie if beast gave something good Waypoint The Crossroads ⟶ The Fellshrine Ruins ⟶ The Crypt The Crypt do trial get Crafting ⟶ level 2 in Sarcophagus Get Maligaro's Map, Town Portal to town, turn in quests Waypoint to The Crossroads ⟶ The Chamber of Sins, get Crafting and put in the Maligaro's Map ⟶ Maligaro's Sanctum Maligaro's Sanctum ⟶ kill Maligaro, the Artist get Black Venom then Town Portal out Turn in Black Venom and get Obsidian Key ⟶ The Chamber of Sins level2 The Chamber of Sins level2 do the trial ⟶ The Den The Den get Waypoint ⟶ The Ashen Fields The Ashen Fields get Waypoint ⟶ Fortress Encampent Fortress Encampent kill Greust, Lord of the Forest ⟶ The Northern Forest ⟶ Waypoint to town turn in quests Waypoint (Act 6) Prisoner's Gate ⟶ The Valley of the Fire Drinker kill Abberath, the Cloven One (recommended around 1.6k life) Town Portal to town, turn in quest Waypoint (Back to Act 7) to The Northern Forest ⟶ The Dread Thicket The Dread Thicket get 7xFireflies ⟶ Den of Despair and kill Gruthkul, Mother of Despair (if hardcore wait until later) The Dread Thicket get rest 7xFireflies and Crafting, Town Portal to town Turn in quests, Waypoint to The Northern Forest The Northern Forest ⟶ The Causeway get crafting and Waypoint, do Alva to get her in hideout ⟶ The Vaal City If arrive and big hole follow ledge to West then North to Waypoint talk to Yeena Waypoint to town turn in quests Waypoint to Aspirant's plaza (Dont forget to set Soul of Ralakesh in the pantheon for less bleeding damage) Ascend (Don't forget Crafting) Vendor Waypoint to The Vaal City ⟶ The Temple of decay The Temple of decay ⟶ The Temple of decay level 2 get Crafting The Temple of decay level 2 ⟶ Arakaali's Web, kill Arakaali, Spinner of Shadows Act 7 Act 8: The Sarn Ramparts get Waypoint ⟶ The Sarn Encampment Vendor ⟶ The Toxic Conduits The Toxic Conduits ⟶ Doedre's Cesspool ⟶ The Cauldron , kill Doedre the Vile (stay melee range use granite flask) Sewer Outlet ⟶ get Waypoint and crafting ⟶ The Quay The Quay get the Ankh of Eternity ⟶ Resurection Site talk to clarissa and kill Tolman The Quay ⟶ The Grain Gate The Grain Gate get Waypoint ⟶ The Imperial Fields The Imperial Fields follow path get Waypoint ⟶ The Solaris Temple The Solaris Temple get Waypoint ⟶ The Solaris Temple level 2 The Solaris Temple level 2 ⟶ Go in portal, kill Dawn, Harbinger of Solaris get Crafting Town Portal to town turn in quests Waypoint The Solaris Temple The Solaris Temple ⟶ The Solaris Concourse get Waypoint ⟶ The Harbour Bridge The Harbour Bridge ⟶ The Lunaris Concourse get Waypoint ⟶ The Lunaris Temple The Lunaris Temple get Waypoint ⟶ The Lunaris Temple level 2 The Lunaris Temple level 2 ⟶ Go in portal kill Dusk, Harbinger of Lunaris get crafting, Town Portal to town Turn in quest Waypoint to The Solaris Concourse The Solaris Concourse ⟶ The Harbour Bridge ⟶ The Sky Shrine The Sky Shrine, kill Solaris and Lunaris (keep moving avoid skills) ⟶ The Blood Aqueduct Can farm The Blood Aqueduct and do Delve Go back to Town Portal to The Lunaris Concourse (Act ? ⟶ The Bath House (act ? to do Trial and get Crafting Go to The High Gardens (act ? ⟶ The Pools of Terror, kill Yugul, reflection of terror, Town Portal town turn in quests Act 8 Act 9: Tips: Focus movement speed and life on items Check prophecies Don't forget to craft in hideout for resistances cap Can farm The Blood Aqueduct and do Delve [Tabula & Crafting recipes in delve] SSF go to act 1 get bunch of skill gems and 2 wands with 3 sockets to lvl skill gems, to later vaal a lvl 20/20 gem to get a lvl 21 To up to The Descent ⟶ keep going down ⟶ The Vastiri Desert The Vastiri Desert get Waypoint and crafting ⟶ find Storm Blade Town Portal to town turn in quests ⟶ Waypoint back The Vastiri Desert ⟶ The Oasis, kill Shakari Town Portal town Waypoint back to the vastiri desert ⟶ The foothills (normally north) The Vastiri Desert ⟶ The Foothills get Waypoint, ⟶ The Boiling Lake ⟶ kill The Basilisk get Crafting Town Portal to town, Waypoint to The Foothills ⟶ find Calendar of Fortune ⟶ The Tunnel The tunnels do the trial get crafting ⟶ get Waypoint ⟶ The quarry The Tunnel ⟶ The Quarry, get Crafting and Waypoint in middle go north ⟶ The Refinery, kill General Adus , get Trarthan Powder Town Portal to town turn in quests Waypoint back to The Quarry go West to ⟶ Shrine of the winds, kill Garukhan, Queen of the Winds Town Portal to town, turn in quests, ⟶ Waypoint to The Quarry ⟶ The Belly of the Beast The Belly of the Beast ⟶ The Rotting Core ⟶ The Black Core Shavronne's Sorrow, kill Shavronne, Unbound ⟶ back to The Rotting Core Doedre's Despair, kill Doedre, Darksoul ⟶ back to The Rotting Core Maligaro's Misery, kill Maligaro, The Broken ⟶ back to The Rotting Core, talk to sin The Black Heart, kill The Depraved Trinity Town Portal to town, take Waypoint to Oriath Docks Act 9 Act 10: Go to The Cathedral Rooftop ⟶ Cathedral Apex, save Bannon Go back The Cathedral Rooftop ⟶ The Ravaged Square The Ravaged Square get Waypoint, make Town Portal on bridge before Waypoint, Waypoint to town vendor ⟶ take Town Portal back to The Ravaged Square The Ravaged Square ⟶ The Control Blocks ( if hc you can skip Vilenta is Rippy) The Control Blocks , take Waypoint ⟶ find holes in gates to skip with movement skill Go in Arena kill Vilenta Town Portal to town Turn in quests Waypoint to The Ravaged Square ⟶ The Ossuary The Ossuary ⟶ find Elixir of Allure, do the Trial Town Portal to town Turn in quests Waypoint to The Ravaged Square ⟶ The Torched Courts The Torched Courts ⟶ The Desecrated Chambers take Waypoint, get Crafting ⟶ The Sancrum of Innocence Kill Avarius, Reassembled, pick up The Staff of Purity, Town Portal to town, vendor turn in quests if lvl 68, do ascendency, if SC and want to rush to maps go ahead, if HC Strongly recommended to farm The Blood Aqueduct get ~lvl 70 then do ascendency Waypoint to The Ravaged Square , talk to Innocence ⟶ The Canals The Canals ⟶ The Feeding Trough, get Crafting ⟶ Altar of Hunger Altar of Hunger, Kill Kitava, the Insatiable talk to Sin, take portal to Oriath In Oriath, talk to Lani, get movement speed Crafting North West of city Act 10 Botting setting - How to set up settings Initial Botting set up: Still relevant Video by @masterpulha made years ago for help with basic settings setup Start bot: [covered in initial exiled bot setup] Run Exiledbot (make sure as admin) and attach to a program (I use notepad) You can use any !simple! program like notepad is. Just make sure that it is not a System-Process, Discord.exe or similar. 64bit processes only. If it doesn't show up, then your chosen process is not compatible. Choose another one! You can double-check with starting non-attached once to make sure that it is not your system directly. We need to activate this bot boi Activate bot: Sign in to the website - navigate to Manage purchases. Get your code here Put in Sites Username and code and click activate all profiles. We did it! Profile: DO NOT just copy over your configuration file from the previous version. .ini files are often up First, configure the default profile[even after new updates or if you have custom-named profiles]: After a new update and reconfiguring default profile, then save it over custom builds if you want to do that Example of builds in most recent leagues: Shh secret stuff here ? Main settings Set up your PoE version: Set up main settings[No progression & currently corrupted area's are bugged so disable.] Most issues in new leagues stem from these being enabled - Slack server testers are ontop of trying to test these ASAP Common issues: Metamorph/Delirium/Breaches - Game changes the way these are coded from time to time and breaks them. Just disable if you have any issues - Clear Incursions [Vaal temple] aren't very worth IMO. Recommend disable to save time. Map settings With ExiledBot update v0.85 you can now farm master missions on Map Device: How it works, default has Einhir Missions enabled. You'll have to manually edit your config.ini in your configuration for your profile Find "map_device_master_selection" and: ; Master index to activate in map 0-4 from left to right -1 deactivates it. ; -1 = Deactivated, 0 = Einhir[Beastiary], 1 = Alva[Incursion], 2 = Niko[Delve], 3 = Jun[Syndicate/Veiled], 4 = Zana. map_device_master_selection=0 Map settings: Set character position in the character select of PoE [Decending order Top to Bottom = 1 is top] Act Zone settings [Set to Act 9 + Blood Aqueduct for Tabula and Chaos recipe[ ilvl60-74 (full set of rare items) ] farming after you leveled bot account] Always reset instance for farming Act zones will reset after it's done. After farming some currency and getting your build from BA farm go into Mapping after you finish Act 10 if you haven't Select a Map profile either the Defaults or a custom one you or someone has provided and set up settings accordingly My recommended farming/clear settings: Farming BA or Zones Always Enable Hideout, when farming maps or Act zones, so the bot will use Hideout and not towns. Using town will get you banned 100% Farming Maps: Pickit/Stashing settings very important This is another setting section that causes people issues, all depends on how you want to set it up. I've been working with others to make this easier and handled all in bot's GUI for chaos recipe instead of editing .ipd Stashing section is very important. [Standard players] Remove only tabs must be moved to the last position is stash list - even if removed listing the bot can see these and counts them as tabs while stashing. Where we get our monies: Setting priority : [ Ignored currencies ] > [ Smart Pickit ] > [ Normal ] [ Smart Pickit Settings ] [ Has priority over Normal pickit settings below ] Choose either default or custom pickit according to how you'll be botting. Chaos recipe is internally managed by the bot. If you have Unid chaos recipe selected - Normal pickit every rare and ring/amys are null/void it will only pick up rares for the unid chaos My settings for starting [Unid chaos and gaining random low currency inc scrolls] [ Normal Pickit settings ] Every rare & Rare ring/amys will be ignored if using Unidentified Chaos Recipe. [ we use Smart Pickit ] Rares for chaos recipe - Always have ticked for $ [ Ignored currencies ] Bot will ignore and not waste time picking up [ Has priority over Smart and Normal Pickit's ] Very useful for the very common currencies. I keep scrolls on me as well as cap how many Augment/Transmutes I keep in stash, You will reach 5000 on these [If using prem curr stash tab] quick, adjust as needed Set up stashing properly [BIG ISSUE FOR PEOPLE] Stash tabs need to be set up properly or you'll have issues. Stash tab: Include ALL stash tabs you will be using, even currencies, chaos, and maps. Left to right order from ingame stash Do not use prem map tab for maps Do not have currency [prem or not] tab as #1 tab - always have Dump tabs for #1+, then chaos & map tabs, and have currency tab last. Else bot will get stuck dumping items into currency tab. Avoid having full tabs, you need to clean out tabs from time to time. Avoid excess items in map/chaos tabs, especially if they aren't for mapping/chaos recipe. Tabs are listed Left to Right in Numerical order, not by name. Bot does not see the name of the tabs. Ingame: In bot: Not everyone will have the same amount of stash tabs, this is custom per person but if just using a botting account default settings are fine just set up accordingly for the space you have. Since you wont have premium stashes [Req real money] Pro-60$-tip: When a new league starts GGG usually has a huge stash tab sale. You can buy the 60$ supporter pack and have every QOL league affinity stash tabs to make botting easier AND 1ea Quad tab to set as #1 dump tab. You'll have 5 points left too Flask settings Flask: Customizable and depends on build for settings but default will work in most cases Basic settings as well as flask overrides: Bot does auto detect SOME flask. Auto Flask: Run only [Yes] = Bot does nothing | Run only [No] = Bot runs Act/Map farming with flask settings. Quicksilver is for bot not [Autoflask] Auto Flask uses auto detected flasks as per their settings: Life/Instant: use @ [#]% of life Mana/Instant: use @ [#]% of mana Dispel debuffs: Auto detects Debuff/Ailment removal on flask Debuff: Curses Alilments: Bleeding, Freeze/Chill, Shock, Poison, Ignite Flask Override settings Bot uses Quicksilver: Exploring: Exploring Area with no monster in Attack range [ in Combat tab ] Attacking: Attacking a monster in Attack range [ in Combat tab ] Looting: Item to pick up is found and no monsters in Safe range [ in Combat tab ] Chicken: @ [#]% of Life @ [#]% of ES Method: Esc + Click: Esc and clicks Exit to login TCP drop: Uses cports.exe and to disconnect PoE Make sure it's set to run as Admin Combat settings Combat will differ per build used. Customizable With ExiledBot update v0.85 - You can now add skill delay if needed - Advanced users only, please Skill delay is added manually at the bottom of skills.ini in your configuration profile This is how it works: ; Skill Delay Settings ; Attack skill delay = full idle after using a skill skill#_delay=2500 ; The bot will do nothing for 2500ms after attacking with skill # ; See skill#_key for which skill is effected ; # = 0-9+ ; Example: skill0_key=mouse_left ; Example: skill1_key=mouse_right ;skill1_delay=2500 = The bot will do nothing for 2500ms after attacking with main attack skill on mouse_right Kite mode - Is useful for ranged Bow/Spell builds Attack range - If a monster comes into this area around us - sets to attack instead of exploring. Safe range - How close monsters can be before looting item/chest With ExiledBot update v0.85b - We've added movement key to this GUI, to avoid misclicks change from default mouse_left to mouse_wheel. Bind Move-Only in-game to mouse_wheel Then change ingame accordingly. Mouse_left: If new Do Not Touch! This is our move-only skill - If you understand PoE mechanics and read the more advanced section of this guide going over this; You can use this to automate buffs when the bot moves to the next mob. Mouse_right: The main attack typically, Set to a high priority of 5-9 depending on skills [Example is melee, note: max distance = 15] Mouse_wheel: I typically use for a secondary bossing skill/Vaal skill. Bossing skill: If using a pure bossing skill just have it at a higher priority than the main skill it'll switch automatically when reaching a boss [ if you set target selection ] Note Target selection: Unique, as well as Min Monster required in range = 1 and range of 30 - for bossing, you can change to Rares if you have issues with DPS Normal < Magic < Rare < Unique Vaal skill = Same priority of Main skill or higher priority with a cooldown of Main skill that is on Mouse_right, make sure you can kill the boss in the cooldown time. Priority is higher than Main skill = 5 | Vaal skill @ 5 or 9 Note Target selection: Unique, as well as Min Monster required in range = 1 and range of 30 - for bossing, you can change to Rares if you have issues with DPS but you may not have Vaal skill souls in time for the boss. Most Vaal skills have a CD in the form of Soul collection, changes per skill but most are 5-7 seconds. Q: I use this as a movement only skill - Dash/Leap slam/Whirling blades etc. Whirling blades and others that have no cooldown. so no cooldown needed: Just check is movement skill Dash with second wind [Or any movement with second wind]: Add a cooldown so the bot doesn't try to spam when not available. Adjust cooldown per charge of second wind. W-T: Buffs/Golem/Vaal skill/Aura Important note, set aura's on the second bar [ ingame CTRL + W-T ] to save space on the main bar if need be For the second bar setting use: Avoid putting Minions/Golems on the 2nd bar action. Buffs: Buffs you want to recast on cooldown, RF/Blood rage/Tempest Shield all have inherent cooldowns. If it doesn't you'll just stand still casting this buff and not move. Golem/Skitterbots: Avoid putting Minions/Golems on 2nd bar action. Aura [You have to move the list up and down with arrow keys or by typing the first letter of the aura]: See note above buffs on Second bar tag Arrow down to navigate the list: You can also type the first letter of aura to fast search. Alerts settings Alerts [out dated] Client settings PoE client and idle settings: PoE launcher and idle settings vary for each person. Remember you can not run PoE in the "Limited user mode" that's going around for programs that don't know how to obfuscate properly. Path: Where you installed PoE Normal - PathOfExile.exe Steam - PathOfExileSteam.exe Idle settings for a little more humanlike playing - not playing for 8 hr straight and taking some sort of a break Mapping settings - Edits for map.IPD/5 Slot map device Start mapping settings: The fun part: Map.IPD - enabled You will want to set up your Map.IPD for what you want even if you downloaded a custom one. Map Profile/Map.IPD Settings: First to edit: We use this to limit the tier of map to run Map tiers: run "1" to "16" change the 16 to stop at the desired tier of maps [Do not comment this setting out, you will not run maps] Outdated setting [ Warning ] - Map Quality/Upgrading/Rerolling require your stash settings to be set up properly and must include the Currency tab - Map Quality: remove // when you gathered chisels to increase the quality of maps before running. Default is set to Tier 4-16. Map Upgrade: remove // from [Rarity] == "Normal" # [UpgradeToMagic] == "true" to run magic When you have enough alch orbs remove the // from the "rare" line to run Rare maps These settings seem to be an issue for some, When out of Alch's for upgrading to rare it'll switch to Transmutes for upgrading to magic. Maps you don't want/bot can't run: UpgradeMapTier will save 3 and vendor for next tier of map Mod mods to reroll or ignore: If upgrading maps and it rolls a bad mod you can't run, it's here. You can ignore or reroll map mods all together Reroll: Reflect: No regen: Ignore: Reflect: No regen: 5 Slot Map device settings: So you bot on your main and upgraded your map device to have 5 slots. Well shit default coordinates are for normal map device and your bot now can't start maps ? I got you. FIX: Subject to change with any patch that changes map device. Go to your ExiledBot folder: Exiled Bot v#.##\Configuration\[the profile you use/default or whatever name you gave it]\coordinates.ini Find [map] section: [map] ; Map Device map_device_inventory_x=218 map_device_inventory_y=### map_device_open_button_x=### map_device_open_button_y=### map_device_offset_x=17 map_device_offset_y=17 Replace with: [map] ; Map Device map_device_inventory_x=218 map_device_inventory_y=279 map_device_open_button_x=150 map_device_open_button_y=500 map_device_offset_x=17 map_device_offset_y=17 Save Now you should be able to run maps with 5 Slot Map device. These change of league to league when they change map device. Might just need to get the coords yourself. FAQ - Read before posting about issues. FAQ: Thanks to Daemon, Kintaro OE, and SupZerg for their support & for answering your questions for all this time. Q: What's the best skill to bot? rule: Keep it simple. rule: use a spammable skill that you can use without stopping rule: use one skill only, except maybe a 2nd skill for boss killing Q: How to edit .ipd/what software can edit it A: Don't use EB embedded text editor, you will mess up the final lines in your IPD. Use your own separate text editor A: Use notepad++ & right bottom -> choose "UNIX LF" A: Visual Studio Code works as well. Q: My Bot doesn't run maps in my stash A: Check if you have Enabled map farming setting in Bot [Map] Menu A: In-Game check what maps you have, tier/mods/What map it is Check if your map profile/map.ipd is configured to ignore/reroll either the Tier or Mod's on the map [ Typically reflect mods ] Check if your map profile/map.ipd is configured to save 3 to upgrade to higher tier map for that map [ Typically bad layout/buggy transitions maps ] Q: My Bot doesn't upgrade maps A: Check if you have Enabled map upgrading setting in Bot [Map] Menu AND your map profile/map.ipd A: In-Game check what maps you have, tier/mods and Check if your map.ipd is configured to ignore/reroll these Q: Bot is misclicking stash/maps/chaos recipe?! A: Either game patched or you don't have the most recent official/beta of bot currently working A: OR You thought you'd be lazy and copy over config file and not reconfigure your bot with the default profile with updated .ini's... Don't do that. Q: How to prevent bot from clicking [League Mechanic]? A: It is a navigation missclick, Gets stuck to the side because it's attacking a monster that was within range but now it's not with ritual alter activation. A solution soon™ but requires more testing to be future proof. A: After an update to EB we can not set our movement key, bind mouse_wheel to move only and movement key, problem of clicking league mechanics are over. Note: You cannot automate a skill by moving like this. Q: EB runs farm zones fine, but when I enable maps, it idles in HO A: Fix your tabs and/or fix your map.ipd Q: How to set up stash tabs properly? A: Put in the 1st string all position numbers (not names) of all your tabs. Don't use the MTX map stash tab. Don't use MTX or quad tab[for maps/chaos]. A: Follow the guide here about stash tabs. Q: My bot is stuck on an abyss. A: Fixed bug that classed abyss as breach or delirium mirror, if it comes back; Disable Breach and Delirium. Q: I can't run PoE on VM (ie. CreateShaderResourceViewEx or Invalid vector <T> subscript errors) A: Briefly - install VMWare Workstation 16 (don't upgrade); create fresh vm (don't upgrade); update vmtools As of a PathOfExile.exe patch PoE no longer starts on a VM running Window10, Windows 7 is fine though Q: The bot runs into the top right corner (or any) and doesn't even want to attack mobs! A: Possible PoE update, stay tuned for a new release. A: If still having issues, are you running PoE in the "Limited user mode" that's going around for programs that don't know how to obfuscate properly. You can't do this with the bot. A: Are you running a compatible version? Epic is is not supported. Q: This bot doesn't even run! I can't attach it to any process! A: You can only attach it to a process with a normal window, like Notepad or Calc A: You need prereq Directx runtime end user Q: Can I run PoE as a limited user (other than the user I run EB)? A: No - It's for programs that don't know how to obfuscate properly. Alk as this very well handled. Q: What build to use? A: Any that you can set up properly. If you still don't know - consider "zoom-zoom" AoE/chaining build Q: Bot cycles from right to left in the stash tab. It just bounces between 1 and 2 tabs indefinitely. A: Stash tabs cannot be full. Ensure to clean them out once in a while. Q: Where is my authenticate code? A: Q: Where can I get the newest stable build of the bot? A: Read the FAQ and couldn't find your issue or still having issues? It's hard to diagnose an issue without proper info, so don't expect help without that info. Let us know, but follow the Bug reporting procedure: Bug Report format with examples: Bug description: Bot Version: PoE Version: Selected Act & Zone: Is use Hideout is on and what setting: Maps Enabled: Pickit Enabled: _____________________ Bug description: [Your issue] Bot Version: v0.##a-z [ See official releases to make sure you have the most current version ] Example: PoE Version: Normal = GGG Client / Steam / Garena TW / China (Tencent) Found here in bot: Selected Act & Zone: [Act], [Zone] - Act 9, Blood Aqueducts If running zones it's found here: Is use Hideout is on and what setting: Yes/No | Chat/Waypoint Maps Enabled: Yes/No You should always have use Hideout with chat on, It's right under the Map enabler: Pickit Enabled: Yes/No Should always be enabled, but we've seen it: Include the last 25ish Lines from log\lastrun.log by watching the bot for when the issue happens press F12 to pause and stop the bot then check lastrun.log Check the Log folder in your Exiledbot folder: Example lines from lastrun.log: [Date] [Time] [info] -> Going to pick item [Date] [Time] [info] -> Running state priority: 28 [Date] [Time] [info] -> Going to pick item [Date] [Time] [info] -> Running state priority: 28 [Date] [Time] [info] -> Running state priority: 28 [Date] [Time] [info] -> Picking item [Date] [Time] [info] -> Running state priority: 28 [Date] [Time] [info] -> Tp to town for stashing [Date] [Time] [info] -> Running state priority: 27 [Date] [Time] [info] -> Creating tp... [Date] [Time] [info] -> Distance computed for tp use: 0.000000 [Date] [Time] [info] -> Already reached destination from current path to follow. [Date] [Time] [info] -> Tp to town for stashing [Date] [Time] [info] -> Running state priority: 27 [Date] [Time] [info] -> Moving to position(5244.564941, 12581.521484). State Priority: 27, Path index: 0 [Date] [Time] [info] -> Distance computed for tp use: 17.464249 [Date] [Time] [info] -> Already reached destination from current path to follow. [Date] [Time] [info] -> Tp to town for stashing [Date] [Time] [info] -> Running state priority: 27 [Date] [Time] [info] -> Moving to position(5244.564941, 12581.521484). State Priority: 27, Path index: 0 [Date] [Time] [info] -> Distance computed for tp use: 4.472136 [Date] [Time] [info] -> Already reached destination from current path to follow. [Date] [Time] [info] -> Tp to town for stashing [Date] [Time] [info] -> Running state priority: 27 [Date] [Time] [info] -> Moving to position(5244.564941, 12581.521484). State Priority: 27, Path index: 0 [Date] [Time] [info] -> Area switched from Desert to Lush Hideout [Date] [Time] [info] -> Running state priority: 31 [Date] [Time] [info] -> Summoning pet.. [Date] [Time] [info] -> Running state priority: 13 [Date] [Time] [info] -> Using currency on item... How to run PoE with --nopatch for Normal & Steam: Normal PoE: Very simple: Non-batch file method Make a second shortcut for your PoE [this'll be your main shortcut for manually launch PoE before bot, the normal one will be for updating] Go to properties of shortcut you made, in Target you'll see: "A LETTER:\Program Files (x86)\Grinding Gear Games\Path of Exile\PathOfExile.exe" ADD launch option after quotes "blahblah" --nopatch and whatever other launch options you want to use. Common options: --nologo --nosound --nopatch [Multiple command lines should be separated by a space.] Target should be: "A LETTER:\Program Files (x86)\Grinding Gear Games\Path of Exile\PathOfExile.exe" --nopatch Update client settings in the bot, keep the original path to PathOfExile.exe. But under Path: you'll see Startup commands: add launch options like --nopatch, only needed if you use this feature but I recommend you do. As PoE can and will crash. Also, this allows the bot to autostart PoE for you. Steam: Steam no patch workaround: Steam requires update through the steam launcher. So you can not use --nopatch BUT You can work around some patches, depending on what kind of update it is. Small ones like these little hotfixes usually only update the Client.exe files. If it updated the .GGPK file this will not work. Don't let steam update. Go to your PathOfExile_x64Steam.exe folder. Copy not move BOTH PathOfExile_x64Steam.exe and PathOfExileSteam.exe into a backup folder or just a .zip. Let steam update and run PoE to make sure all is updated. Close POE, Replace both the PathOfExile clients with the ones you copied or put into a .zip Launch and enjoy your hotfix. Remember when using this method you will have to verify files in steam to get the update after the bot is updated. Running/Making VM - [ highly requested ] Wanting to free up the computer while you bot? Still very relevant guide: @Walt's Virtual Machine Guide [Ultra-Lite][Tweaked Settings][PC Optimization][Hard Disk Benchmark] [2015 Updated] Contents: Requirements Setup: [ Operating System ] [ VMware Workstation ] [ Optional ] Requirements: HDD space Decent computer specs VM of choice [ Requires Dx11 compatibility ] : Most use VMware Workstation Pro v16+ VMware Workstation Pro - You can easily get a free version of this if you know where to look, other than that support the developers. or Windows 10 Installation media tool - Click download tool Setup: [ Operating System ] Windows 7 [ older/stable ] Get x64 Windows 7.ISO file, they're everywhere. You can do a standard or Lite modified version of Windows 7 Get an activator/key if you want, they're everywhere as well. If using a modified version of Windows 7, VM may autodetect it as Windows 10 Select to install operating system later: And selected Windows 7 from the list: Windows 10 [ Did not work in Patch 3.14.1d but should work ] Start Windows 10 installation media tool Make Windows10.iso file Language [ may be able to vary ], Architecture [ x64 ], Edition [ Windows 10 ] Media: ISO Save Windows.ISO file to a path where you won't lose it on your host system and let it do its thing: nice. This will be what you use to install Windows 10 to your VM. Windows 11? Linux ? ? [ VMware Workstation ] VMware Workstation Install like anything else, there shouldn't be anything crazy here. You don't need enhanced keyboard driver. See [ Optional ] for some settings you can change before Making/Starting a VM [ Making a VM ] Make a new Virtual Machine: Custom Hardware compatibility: Workstation 16.x Installer disc: The Windows.ISO we made earlier or select install later if you skipped that step. Make a name for your new VM or just leave the default. Location: on an HDD with space for this Firmware: UEFI - Though I've seen some issues you may need to use BIOS to install/use and switch to UEFI after that. Processors: 1 - Cores: 4 should be fine, you can increase if want. 2 is a bit low but will workish Ram: System dependent - 4GB should be good, 8GB if you can spare it. Network: Bridged - Giving each VM its own IP [ useful for those wanting to run VPN for each ] or NAT - simplicity and uses host IP I/O controller type: LSI Logic SAS (Recommended) Virtual disk type: NVMe (Recommended) or SATA Disk: Create a new virtual disk Disk Capacity: System dependent Size - 60GB is recommended for Windows10 though not needed. You can also install PoE to these systems if you want/have space Allocate space if you want Single file is my recommendation but multiple files are fine. Give it a name for the disk file or just keep the default. Create your VM! You should automatically be put into the Windows 10 installer. If any issues you may need to try switching between UEFI/BIOS VM Workstation will have to install its tools, there will be a prompt at the bottom of the VM while it's booting the Windows installer, wait till you've installed Windows 10 then install VM tools. There's a button that literally says "I Finished Installing" for it. Done - it should restart or prompt you to restart. Just start the VM. Now for Shared Folders: If you don't want a separate PoE installation for your VM and Bot folder Edit virtual machine settings [Unless you've done optional settings] Options > Shared Folders > Always Enabled if disabled: List paths to PoE and your ExiledBot folders here These will be under Network in your This PC/Explorer And that should be it. There are thousands of videos for this out there.. [ Optional ] Windows 10 debloat: There are a bunch out there. Here are two Default location of VM's and enable all shared folders by default Open VMWare but before making a VM, Open VMware preferences: [ Edit ] > [ Preferences ] [ Workspace ] - Choose where you want your VM's to be, and enable shared folders Disable VM memory swapping Open VMWare but before making a VM, Open VMware preferences: [ Edit ] > [ Preferences ] [ Memory ] - Fit all VM memory - Reserved memory amount will vary on how many machines you want to run Builds/Combat tab settings - WIP - More in-depth settings per build: Universal build flask/combat tab settings/tricks: Flask Tab & Flask override options: With the Flask tab & Combat tab options, the Combat tab is my recommendation. The bot can autodetect SOME flask. But we will still be overriding these see Utility/Damage flask. Basic settings - most you'll change here are Instant/Life/Mana flask below (%) options. QuickSilver - Use while exploring to speed to get to the next mob. Flask override: Flask override is a generic press [key] - Number or a Letter if: Below HP% Below ES% Below Mana% Recover/Cooldown override (ms) = Duration of flask We can do interesting things with this. If you want to use a flask or a skill @ a certain HP or Mana %. The downfall is you only have 5 overrides [You can't add anymore]. But no worry though, We can add in the Combat override guide on that at the bottom of this one. I personally don't use these very much at all. See Combat override below ? Utility/Damage flask: Any and all utility flask can be used, just require a custom setup. Either Flask override or Combat tab Always ensure you put the cooldown/duration of the flask, some flasks are different and mods/quality change flask duration. For most utility/damage flask I end up using the combat tab. Flask override: If I want to use Flask 1 if I get hit [Defensive flask setup of whatever it may be] The flask has a duration of 4 seconds. Make sure you have no degen in your build [Blood Rage] or you'll be wasting flask charges. But isn't the whole point to having a defensive flask up before getting hit? Yes! ? See combat override If I want to use Flask 2 if I use mana [Attacking/Offensive flask] Flask duration is 5.5 seconds. As soon as I start attacking [If no mana reserved/basically no builds] But I reserve mana, How do?! While in hideout hover over your mana [With all aura's on] and get to mathing: 160 / 574 = 0.2787456445993031 meaning 160 is 27.87456445993% of 574. Stay in school. So, we set up accordingly Combat override Yes you can put the flasks in here and you can add as many as you want ? Well let's say I got 2 flasks I want to use, right before engaging mobs On 3 & 4 [In this guide let's say 3 is Offensive/Damage and 4 is Defensive] We'll hit that Add button 2 times to add new lines to combat settings: Now you label them accordingly and adjust settings. #3 Offensive/Damage I want to use this flask whenever an enemy is nearby. For BIK DEEPS Priority always ≤ [equal to or less than] your main still priority. Mine is 5 for Main Skill [mouse_right], I want to use this flask even when hitting a boss to refresh for 40% Inc. Damage & consecrated ground. This only works because Flask is INSTANT, with no cast no animation. Duration ~ 4 seconds I also want to use it whenever I'm 25-35 range away from and mob [I'm melee, range/spellcasters can increase to a bit beyond your Main Skill range.] Min monster Required in range = 1 Min monster required range: 30 If you only want to use are specified mobs [Magic/rare/unique]: #4 Defensive or I want to use this flask whenever an enemy is nearby. Before I get hit. The same thing, Starting it see how repetitive this is? Priority always ≤ [equal to or less than] your main still priority. Mine is 5 for Main Skill [mouse_right], I want to use this flask even when hitting a boss to refresh buff to evasion/armor. This only works because Flask is INSTANT, no cast no animation. Duration ~ 4 seconds I also want to use it whenever I'm 25-35 range away from and mob [I'm melee, range/spellcasters can increase to a bit beyond your Main Skill range.] Min monster Required in range = 1 Min monster required range: 30 Secret if you noticed THEY WERE BOTH OFFENSIVE FLASK THE WHOLE TIME!!!! Combat Tab: WIP Popular builds list: Open for suggestions Frost blades - [ Best/Meta ] some parts WIP It's a versatile/fast build and can be played on any ascendancy. Some better than others. Popular builds are Raider and Gladiator Build: PoB Community Forks: Just a snapshot of what I'll typically run and the progression of gear. Min/Max's can be done. Looking for Movement speed overall. Damage is debatable for low tier map farming. Raider PoB: [ Frost Blades or ] Drop down's in gear for different setups. or Gladiator PoB: Soon™ Skills: Main attack skill: Frost Blades > Multistrike Support > Elemental Damage with Attacks Support > Pick up to 3 more: Hypothermia Support [Freeze/Chill] Ice Bite Support [Better than Added cold with Frenzy Charges] Nightblade Support [Source of elusive & crit] Added Cold Damage Support [Good for early damage while leveling] Ancestral Call Support [Mapping & AOE, perfect for us, and hits those Ally's Cannot Die buffed monsters/totems] Cold Penetration Support Ruthless Support [DMG & Bossing] Recommended for fast mapping: Frost Blades > Multistrike Support > Elemental Damage with Attacks Support > Ancestral Call Support > Nightblade Support > Ice Bite Support Movement: Whirling Blades - A fixed distance so doesn't require a min distance setting. Procs Fortify Support on enemies hit. Dash - Second Wind Support cooldown required Flame Dash - INT required & Second Wind Support cooldown required Aura: Hatred Herald of Ice Add Enlighten Support and Empower Support when you can. Optional buffs/Vaal skills: Vaal Righteous Fire Vaal Ancestral Warchief Vaal Haste Golem: Summon Ice Golem Items: Items Soon™ or see PoB for common setup Weapon: Weapons Soon™ or see PoB for common setup Flask Flask Soon™ or see PoB for common setup Bot settings: Flask: Default flask settings work fine. Maybe adjust mana flask % as needed Some flash override fun can be done here, but also see Combat: section. Combat: What your Combat tab will usually look like: Combat is pretty straight forward, I personally lower my safe range. Pick up items faster but with monsters in Area [Can result in more deaths] Main skill [mouse_right] - Max distance can be higher, but 10-15 for the Physical Shield modded [Invuln bubble] packs works nice; Plus closer to chain-to for Ally's Cannot Die buffed monster/totems Alt Skill [mouse_wheel] - Vaal skill or a Buff you want to upkeep Blood rage for high attack speed at a loss of HP per second if you manually cast. Q [movement skill] - Can use many different movement skills; most require a different setup to be effective. Whirling blades: No cooldown/Set distance/Proc'sFortify Support & Cast On Critical Strike Support setups if hits monsters W [Fill] - Vaal skill or a Buff you want to upkeep E [Golem] - Interchangeable - Whatever golem you use/or omit. FB will typically use Summon Ice Golem. R [Aura] - Interchangeable - Whatever aura you use/or omit. Set to [on second bar] CTRL+R in-game for cleanliness T [Aura] - Interchangeable - Whatever aura you use/or omit. Set to [on second bar] CTRL+T in-game for cleanliness Why are #'s here? See Flask override section Offensive/Defensive flasks: Settings vary on flask used and their mods. 20% Quality flask for longer duration 3 - Priority same as main attack skill. Min monster required in range / range settings are looking at Target selection > [all] change to what ever you want. 4- Priority same as main attack skill. Min monster required in range / range settings are looking at Target selection > [all] change to what ever you want. Miner - WIP [ by Laber59 ] Check notes in PoB for his guide HCSSF environment, beginner-friendly Pros: Can do reflect maps 3 Power charges Very cheap, you will kill Kitava A10 in like 4 seconds per phase with a couple of chromes, transmutes and alterations Ridiculous damage output while being tanky (while leveling you will one-shot almost every rare/ purple pack) Cons: On lower levels, you cannot spam attack too much if you want to have the mana for quick flame dash escape Build: PoB Community Forks: Miner PoB: [ Miner by Laber59 or ] Drop down's in gear for different setups and skill load-outs. Guide and bot settings in Notes page or Leveling, build, playstyle and progression: Our absurdly strong starter build adventure begins with selecting witch as our class and it's divided into two different parts. Firstly we will go with classic stormblast mine/orb of storm lightning-based character with one curse, herald of your choice, skitterbots, flame dash, smoke mine, arcane surge, and elemental overload. This is the current meta racing setup but we will drop it at LVL 28 after unlocking Siosa. At level 31 we will have our full setup ready to obliterate content. Before this transition, your play style will be based purely on speed. Execute in order smoke mine + flame dash + quicksilver flask + clear spell combo to zoom-zoom trough zones. You will unlock it piece by piece from quest rewards. You can set up detonate skill from your smoke mine on the move button and it will feel smooth. It is arguably the best leveling skill in my opinion and does it all (the distance of blink arrow, instant and with three charges like flame dash and it's blinding enemies in the cloud so basically you are cutting in half monsters hit chance if you accidentally zoomed inside of the hard pack ) Carry two life flasks one mana flask and two quicksilver flasks as soon as you get them and remember to always upgrade their tiers. If you won't drop one or you will sell the blue unidentified ones you can always buy them from the vendor for three wisdoms. For bosses execute combo - 15 stormblast mines + flame dash toward boss (arcane surge proc) + orb of storms + curse + detonate + stormblast/detonate Perfect in-time execution is deleting boss phases in roughly two seconds Don't worry if you messed up just feel your enemy hitting rhythm Move into the safe zone, keep mining and make sure that you are inside orb of storms, reposition yourself with a flame dash if needed refreshing your arcane surge and apply curse again when you will see that respective symbol disappeared from your target's head. Do the same with every tougher enemy you will encounter in order to delete him too. Set 15 mines only before essences tho Sometimes, only at the beginning you will be forced to throw one or two mines into the pack because orb of storm won't kill them instantly before wand craft - but don't worry we will go to that later on. The Beach: You will start at the beach with 3 wisdom scrolls and some poor weapon laying on the ground. Click skip all tutorial button, set up your second movement skill, get your item filter going, and start your run. Don't kill anything here link your two gems and manage your inventory using the extra movement button, set your left mouse to move only, and use the pickup key from options so you won't stop to pick up items if you don't want to. Kill hillock, you can kite him towards the gate or just tank the shit out of him using flasks and spamming fireballs. Take every blue item, put the second wand in hand, and make sure that you don't wear armor, go town and ignore skill points. In the town zone, ESC + character selection and mash enter if you have the game on a fast drive, if not then don't even bother with that trick. Act 1: Act 2: Act 3: Act 4-10: Endgame: Not finished but I hope you have an idea Skills: Main attack skill: Place holder Place holder Place holder Place holder Place holder Place holder Place holder Place holder Recommended for fast mapping: Place holder Movement: Place holder Place holder Place holder Aura: Place holder Place holder Place holder Optional buffs/Vaal skills: Place holder Place holder Place holder Golem: Place holder Items: Items Soon™ or see PoB for common setup Weapon: Weapons Soon™ or see PoB for common setup Flask Flask Soon™ or see PoB for common setup Bot settings: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------EXILED BOT----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINER GUIDE by Laber&Company "ALL GOOD BUILDS ARE STOLEN ONES" ~ Chris Wilson ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This tutorial will show you how to make a fully automated map farmer from scratch. No investment needed, It works with ssf league too if you wanna bot that ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE CHECK ALL POB TABS AND GET FAMILIAR WITH DIFFERENT GEMS SETUPS, TREE PROGRESSION, AND ITEM SETS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Default setting will show you example goals to aim for when you start clearing T11+ maps Absolute Destruction is super duper expensive investment setup but it obliterates whole content You can do all map mods but you need mana flask for no regen. You can bot this character from act 3 onwards but I suggest not to waste time and go straight to maps. Alira is chosen only as leveling option - kill all is the way! Pantheon = whatever you like Best Botting zones if you are HC or want better gear, exp, currency, etc. Act 3 - The Docks Act 4 - The Dried Lake Act 5 - Chambers Of Innocence Act 6 - Mud Flats Act 7 - Ashen FIelds (broken waypoint - doesn't work sadly) Act 8 - Imperial FIelds (Maps start to drop) Act 9 - The Blood Aqueduct (Tabula Rasa and Chaos Recipe farm) Act 10 - Desecrated Chambers (with proper pickit you can farm nice rares in SSF mode here, before kitava and 3rd lab) Flask: Default flask settings work fine. Maybe adjust mana flask % as needed Some flask override fun can be done here, but also see Combat: section. Place holder Combat: What your Combat tab will usually look like: [Enable kite] mode YES (you can turn it off for troubleshooting ) Kite range - 15 Attack range - 80 Safe range - 30 [Mouse Left] in POE - Detonate Mines (no movement no attack, just detonate mines) [Mouse Left] in Bot - Don't touch [Mouse right] in POE - Main Skill [Mouse Right] in bot (Main Skill) - change only Priority - 5 Cooldown - 500 Max distance - 60 (experiment with that but as long as it gets) From now on hotkeys doesn't matter For example, I had my detonate mines on D key in bot and game and it was working like a charm Set up how you like It [Movement skill] in bot - change only [Is Movement Skill ?] - Yes (It can be smoke mine for speed or flamedash for buff) Cooldown - 1500 [Detonate Mines] skill in bot - change only Priority - 10 Cooldown - 100 Max dist. - 60 (same as Main Skill) [Secondary Skill] in bot - change only Priority - 7 Max distance - 20/60 (orb of storms 20 - frostbomb same as Main Skill) Cooldown - 6000 Rarities - Rare Don't forget to set up your utility flasks in bot ! PS. Written from memory so please point out all mistakes on slack or forum Spell-Slinger - WIP [ by Laber59 ] No PoB yet HCSSF environment, beginner-friendly Pros: Excellent, fast farmer 3 constant frenzy&endurance charges generated passively Very cheap, you will kill Kitava A10 in like 4 seconds per phase with a couple of chromes, transmutes and alterations Ridiculous damage output while being tanky (while leveling you will one-shot almost every rare/ purple pack) Versatile (you can tweak it as you wish and it will still work good, for example adding a second golem, swapping spell skill gems, etc) Good synergy with the bot, one-click will fire 3 different spells with chain and pierce mechanics so bot won't get stuck with totems/enemies having immortality aura given to allies Cons: Can't do ele reflect if you want to push it to maps Not greatest end-game boss killer On lower levels, you cannot spam attack too much if you want to have the mana for quick flame dash escape Build: PoB Community Forks: Spellslinger by PoB: [ No PoB Yet - Spellslinger by Laber59 or ] Drop down's in gear for different setups and skill load-outs. Guide and bot settings in Notes page or Leveling, build, playstyle and progression: Our absurdly strong starter build adventure begins with selecting witch as our class and it's divided into two different parts. Firstly we will go with classic stormblast mine/orb of storm lightning-based character with one curse, herald of your choice, skitterbots, flame dash, smoke mine, arcane surge, and elemental overload. This is the current meta racing setup but we will drop it at LVL 28 after unlocking Siosa. At level 31 we will have our full setup ready to obliterate content. Before this transition, your play style will be based purely on speed. Execute in order smoke mine + flame dash + quicksilver flask + clear spell combo to zoom-zoom trough zones. You will unlock it piece by piece from quest rewards. You can set up detonate skill from your smoke mine on the move button and it will feel smooth. It is arguably the best leveling skill in my opinion and does it all (the distance of blink arrow, instant and with three charges like flame dash and it's blinding enemies in the cloud so basically you are cutting in half monsters hit chance if you accidentally zoomed inside of the hard pack ) Carry two life flasks one mana flask and two quicksilver flasks as soon as you get them and remember to always upgrade their tiers. If you won't drop one or you will sell the blue unidentified ones you can always buy them from the vendor for three wisdoms. For bosses execute combo - 15 stormblast mines + flame dash toward boss (arcane surge proc) + orb of storms + curse + detonate + stormblast/detonate Perfect in-time execution is deleting boss phases in roughly two seconds Don't worry if you messed up just feel your enemy hitting rhythm Move into the safe zone, keep mining and make sure that you are inside orb of storms, reposition yourself with a flame dash if needed refreshing your arcane surge and apply curse again when you will see that respective symbol disappeared from your target's head. Do the same with every tougher enemy you will encounter in order to delete him too. Set 15 mines only before essences tho Sometimes, only at the beginning you will be forced to throw one or two mines into the pack because orb of storm won't kill them instantly before wand craft - but don't worry we will go to that later on. The Beach: You will start at the beach with 3 wisdom scrolls and some poor weapon laying on the ground. Click skip all tutorial button, set up your second movement skill, get your item filter going, and start your run. Don't kill anything here link your two gems and manage your inventory using the extra movement button, set your left mouse to move only, and use the pickup key from options so you won't stop to pick up items if you don't want to. Kill hillock, you can kite him towards the gate or just tank the shit out of him using flasks and spamming fireballs. Take every blue item, put the second wand in hand, and make sure that you don't wear armor, go town and ignore skill points. In the town zone, ESC + character selection and mash enter if you have the game on a fast drive, if not then don't even bother with that trick. Act 1: We will need couple things from here to kick-start our adventure. BBB wand, BBG wand, BGG helmet or gloves, two Sapphire Rings, and boots with movement speed. If you cannot find everything don't worry just run forward until you do Socket -Frost Bomb, Elemental proliferation and Added Lightning Damage- in BBB wand, this is your clearing spell, drop it and frost blink through the pack to obliterate them. We are running EP instead of Onslaught because we don't have access to Scion on anew account sadly To make up for this you may choose Unbound Aliments as well, whatever you like Socket -Arcane surge LVL 1, Frostblink(swap for Flame Dash), Smoke Mine- in BBG wand Socket -Stormblast Mine, Swift Assembly, Lesser Poison Support- !You have to take it as a reward after delivering Medicine Chest! Put those in your BGG piece. Insert Arc and Orb of Storm in weapon swap so they can level already, first wand from the Beach is BB so you can use it for that purpose. And remember about movement speed on your boots, no body armor. Frostblink and Freezing Pulse gems you can sell with two Iron Rings to the vendor to get Sapphire Rings. Wear two of those while fighting the final boss. You can grab a white Jade Amulet with the highest dex and white belt with some extra life if you are lucky or rich enough already Act 2: Here we will be boosting the damage output of our existing spells. We will need one extra blue socket and one another green or blue depending on which herald you choose. Kill beast in The Den and take your first Quicksilver flask as a reward. Help Alira. Get two Topaz Rings for the last boss (Iron Ring plus any green gem works as well but those from act 1 are cheaper). Take Elemental Focus Socket Skitterbots in B and Herald of Ice / Thunder in G/B Buy Wave of Conviction and level with Arc. Drop Frost Bomb and put Orb Of Storm instead. You can do recipe blue wand + topaz ring + orb of alteration for extra power spike. If you have essences use them on rings, they will give bigger flat bonuses but the wand will be usable from 20 LVL so be aware. You can use Sapphire Rings as well if you run cold herald for nice chain explosions Overall flat lightning on both wands and Herald Of Thunder with Skitter Bots will obliterate the last boss. Just remember about topaz rings and execute your combo Act 3: Form LVL 24 start to looking and checking vendors for 4 links, int bases are perfect because you can easily chrome them. To finish our setup you will need two 4B links and one 3B1G. If you won't find any you will be still strong tho. Grab Conductivity and put in if you have another B free socket. You may start using body armor now, preferably 4link but 3B is more than fine. Grab Ball Lightning after General Gravicious Quest. Unlock Siosia and take Lightning Penetration. This is where juice starts. Buy 3x Spellslinger auras, Physical to Lightning Support, and Frenzy Socket -Smoke Mine, Flame Dash, and Frenzy(don't level it)- in BBG Socket -Spellslinger, Arc and Added Lightning- in BBB Socket -Spellslinger, Weave Of Conviction, Physical To Lighting- in BBB Socket -Spellslinger, Ball Lightning, Elemental Focus You are powerful now, but you can be even stronger. If you want to push this toon to maps you have to start leveling, Desecrate, Detonate Dead, and Volatile Dead in your weapon swap from now on. You can also ditch mana flask because Spellslinger will fire spells even on 0 mana so we can use this slot for extra utility. Act 4-10: If you did Labyrinth Trials you can craft remaining uncapped resistances for 1 transmute each on your gear if you have to. You may start botting now if you wish but you don't really have to. Refer to Botting chapter for all information needed. From First Labirynt take Commander Of Darkness, this will give you extra damage and fix Kitava's resistance penalty. When you get/craft all your four links finish your setup: Add Controlled Destruction to Weave Of Conviction link Add Lightning Penetration to Arc link Socket -Frenzy, Lesser/Greater Multiple Projectiles, Curse On Hit, Conductivity- Link -Arcane Surge and Flame Dash(I recommend still using Smoke Mine as your second movement) Put Golem of your choice and Enduring Cry as well (when you take Call To Arms on passive tree, set it on movement for passive casting). When you reach the Arcane Guarding wheel on your passives tree, swap the second wand for a shield of your choice. Endgame: Not finished but I hope you have an idea Skills: Main attack skill: Place holder Place holder Place holder Place holder Place holder Place holder Place holder Place holder Recommended for fast mapping: Place holder Movement: Place holder Place holder Place holder Aura: Place holder Place holder Place holder Optional buffs/Vaal skills: Place holder Place holder Place holder Golem: Place holder Items: Items Soon™ or see PoB for common setup Weapon: Weapons Soon™ or see PoB for common setup Flask Flask Soon™ or see PoB for common setup Bot settings: Best Botting zones if you are HC or want better gear, exp, currency, etc. Act 3 - The Docks Act 4 - The Dried Lake Act 5 - Chambers Of Innocence Act 6 - Mud Flats Act 7 - Ashen FIelds (broken waypoint - doesn't work sadly) Act 8 - Imperial FIelds (Maps start to drop) Act 9 - The Blood Aqueduct (Tabula Rasa and Chaos Recipe farm) Act 10 - Desecrated Chambers (with proper pickit you can farm nice rares in SSF mode here, before kitava and 3rd lab) Flask: Default flask settings work fine. Maybe adjust mana flask % as needed Some flask override fun can be done here, but also see Combat: section. Place holder Combat: What your Combat tab will usually look like: [Enable kite] mode Kite range - Attack range - Safe range - [Mouse Left] in POE - [Mouse Left] in Bot - Don't touch [Mouse right] in POE - Main Skill [Mouse Right] in bot (Main Skill) - change only Priority - Cooldown - 60 (experiment with that but as long as it gets) From now on hotkeys doesn't matter For example, Set up how you like It [Movement skill] in bot - change only [Is Movement Skill ?] - Yes (It can be smoke mine for speed or flamedash for buff) Cooldown - 1500 [Detonate Mines] skill in bot - change only Priority - Cooldown - Max dist. - [Secondary Skill] in bot - change only Priority - Max distance - Cooldown - Rarities - Don't forget to set up your utility flasks in bot ! PS. Written from memory so please point out all mistakes on slack or forum Minions? RF? Totems? Github for my EB-related files/config/.ipds: Here you'll find various files I've been working on for the team. Map.ipd: Pickit and itemized rework projects: Most recent by update date or @ [LeagueName].ipd: Modlist: Updated to Stats.csv for most recent Custom item filter for bot: Identified & Unidentified Chaos recipe specific filters: Work in progress still, let me know of any issues, mistakes, or things to add ?
- 42 replies
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i don know why, my character will go back to town when inventory is only half full. its not happening for every single time, but like 80%. also sometimes it will just ignore minions around the character and work away from minion and go straight to no where...just feel its not very efficient... not sure what setting might lead to this... anyone can help?