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About PWFTrojaner

  • Rank
    Bronze I
  • Birthday 02/06/1988

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  1. PWFTrojaner

    Slack Server Invite Not Valid? I've purchase 3 licenses.

    Hello, not a Dev but here iam. Use the Link enter E-mail and pw to join us on Slack. https://exiled-bot-group.slack.com/ contact me on Slack or sent me a PM here and i'll help you out with your Settings.
  2. PWFTrojaner

    Bekomme das Teil nicht zum Laufen

    als erstes kommst auf unseren slack Server dieses Forum hier benutzen nur sehr wenige... und dann bringen wir das schon zum laufen
  3. PWFTrojaner

    Pickit einstellungen,hilfe!!!!!!!!!!!

    jo bei den karten die du sammeln willst hauste // davor dann ignoriert er den forcesellitem befehl und packt Sie dir in stash
  4. PWFTrojaner

    Pickit einstellungen,hilfe!!!!!!!!!!!

    hey, kommt ganz drauf an welche pickit du benutzt default oder jpick. in default benutzt du die // oder nicht, wenn nicht sollte er sie stashen wenn [stashitem] true benutzt wird. bei jpick ist das etwas anders weil der befehlt [forcesell] heißt/benutzt wird sprich er prüft ob die karte was wert ist bzw. in kiste kommt oder verkauft wird. du solltest uns also ggf. eine zeile aus der pickit kopieren und anbei deine frage stellen PS. benutzt für hilfe unseren discord server link ( zu finden über der shoutbox ) da bekommst du in der regel sofort hilfe/antworten von der ganzen community und die Support leute sind da mehr aktive.
  5. PWFTrojaner

    anyone managed to run 10 bots under 500$-1000$??

    Hard to belive I can Run up To 6 Bots on my Vmware + 1 Bot on my Main System = Total 7 Bots This Setup can Run smooth whole night but after i set one more up there start the problems with crash and CPU ectect Butget was around 1300€ for my desktop PC Iam allowing me to say that my Vmware is 100% optimaze GL to find your right setup Sir
  6. PWFTrojaner

    Currency Stash Tab

    pointless he cant handle it.
  7. PWFTrojaner

    Plan to buy but wanna ask something first :)

    Think Mr. RaZe answered good on your questions. Maybe you should also know the first 45 Level can be done for free, after your char passed Level 45 you need to enter a product Key. So if you Start a new char you got a good time to test and learn about our lovly bot.
  8. PWFTrojaner

    Hi, question about donating

    PM Alkpone direkt. He is the one and only Guy who can help you out. Hope to see you soon with a Sexy Blue Name.
  9. PWFTrojaner

    Just VMware power

    Hey Mate, Iam here for my +1 Nothing to say. This guy Simple know's what he is talking about. He did the whole Setup for my vm's and bot's. With a few clicks here and there iam now aviable to run on my PC up to 10 Bots at same time or 9 Bots and playing on Main system myself without any Issue. I dont know really much about PC,Vms,Cinfigs or shit like this but what i know is, this guy is a genie or God for stuff like this! Q: How to Setup my PC Q: How to Setup my VM Q: How to Setup my PoE A: Just Use a ghbdtls See Ya on Skype Mate!
  10. PWFTrojaner

    Bot with VM it's safe?

    why should is not be safe? running multiple VM's
  11. PWFTrojaner

    masters leveling

    would also love it but seems not easy to programm
  12. PWFTrojaner

    aufeinmal geht nichts mehr

    Problem gelöst? lmk via PM falls nicht das kriegen war hin.
  13. search in the system.ini for the Shade_volations=82 change the number =82 to =90 worked for the last bot
  14. PWFTrojaner

    0.53f crash report

    same for me all day long ( 5-6 times per day ) the crashes started for me with bot versions 053e/f for me its crash in Hideout only after a Death Death -> Back to HO -> Idle for vendor -> Crash iam fine if he goes alone via TP to hideout for Selling...
  15. PWFTrojaner

    [Request] Farm Corrupted Area

    he already answered on this Question. This Bot dont use any preload/Maphack Funktions. The ONLY Possible way to earn fragments via the Bot is to Set *Clear Currupt Areas* so lets say you Run Docks... if the Bot find now a cur. Area in Docks he will Enter it and run it... Nothink more or less.
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